20 July 2008

Violence for Children

Times are getting more violent by the day, to the extent that guns and weapons have managed to make it into little children toys and rides. Here's a little pony ride I spotted yesterday in Marina Mall:

Sure, at first it looks like an innocent pony ride. Drop a coin in, and your children can enjoy a ride on a cute little animal, accompanied by happy happy joy joy melodies.

But, let's look a little closer...

Yes... There is actually a gun on that pony's head. A GUN! Who puts a gun on a pony's head? I mean, what frame of mind was the designer of this ride in when he came up with this concept?!

I understand when you have a ride that looks like a tank, yeah, that's a war thing. Or even if the ride was a scary dinosaur or lion, then I might have accepted it. But a gun on a PONY? And then people complain about the increasing levels of violence all over the world...

A shot of the Pony of Destruction in action:


Woozie said...

Makes me proud to be an American!

Fatema Abuidrees said...

looool.. pony of destruction? a little dramatic there arent we?:P

I guess the concept of this horse, was to build a cowboy theme (hence the gun)

Anonymous said...

Thats a scary pony ! but i think one must teach gun culture to kids , times are changing. Back to the Wild west.

Anonymous said...

Im pretty sure the wild west didnt have guns on the heads of their horses!!

I understand what Ammar is saying here.. Look at the contrast! This icon represents what the world is today...Damn the curruption

tsk tsk tsk

doona said...

okay thats officially one of the most retarded things i have ever seen in my life!!

Omar said...

Makes me proud to be an anti-American!

Anonymous said...

it may sounds scary to see a gun on a pony's head but you made it even more scary!!

this is the way this world goes on, dont try to stop it, 'cause it won't stop.

Shionge said...

Best to tone down especially when it is a kiddy ride. We have guns/pistols kind of stuff in the arcade but more for teens and adults. Still, I don't see the thrill in it at all :(

C'est la vie!! said...

OOH my Gosh...ur kiddin!!!

thats messed up

****shifting eyes, trying to ignore and not reply to mr. Omar's comment*****

Anonymous said...

Was it made in Texas? :D

It is weird, I don't remember riding this kind of pony when I was young in France!

Yacoub Al-Slaise said...

Well, if the pistol runs out of bullets, you can always go for the rifle just below the saddle


Semaj said...

Next thing you know, kids will be looking for a gun growing out of the head of a real pony. "Mom, where's the gun?"

Maybe, it's a kind of a mutant pony.

KJ said...

On the bright side of things, if this was in the states, the gun would be able to swivel 180 degrees and point back at you.

So at least here you have the message of kill others, not self

Shwaish said...

well the girl seems happy enough!

ehsanbros said...

what a stupid idea idea to put a gun on the pony head...

Unknown said...

Imagine that my girls go on rides that used to exist in the same place i used to play at as a kid, and YES suicidal pony included!!!

eshda3wa said...

wth !

oo elathka min the person that designed it is the person that bought it oo 7a6a bel mall!

Moody Crab said...

Wow! Makes me wonder... I guess they were going for Wild WIld West theme. But this is in Bahrain right? If so, very strange...

PS: Longest time dear friend! How things?

Shoush said...

Hatha Marina Mall malna wila intaw 3indikom ba3ad?

asoom said...

LOOOL, traditional toys for boys have always been voilent!

Anonymous said...

is that supposed to be inspired by Unicorns!! wow, it's amazing how ppl can simply add action to things! A GUN ... who'd've thought?!

Aisha said...

its more realistic for arabs than tanks

i bet a palestinian thought of that one

RiaMH said...

that is sooo not right. even with my nephews, i'm still against gun toys. having them point it at you, or anybody else for that matter, seem very offensive and disturbing.