25 June 2008

We're All The Same

Looks like a silly video at first. Some random guy dancing in one country, then in another, then in another. But keep watching...

Where the Hell is Matt? (2008) from Matthew Harding on Vimeo.

There's something deeply moving about it; look at the joy on the people's faces, their smiles, their happiness. Doesn't matter what language barriers there are, or what cultural differences exist. Nothing. They all danced, they all smiled, they all connected. Didn't matter if it was young children dancing in Africa, or grown adults dancing in the UK; everyone was the same.

In this world of people separating themselves from each other, fighting going on over race, religion, skin color, language, and so on, it just brings a tear to see the whole world connecting over such a small dance. It brings a tear to see poor African children who have nothing, filled with laughs and joy over such a small dance. It brings a tear to see stuck-up businessmen let go of their stress and pride, filled with laughs and joy over such a small dance. It brings a tear to see a video of people dancing in Israel, followed by people dancing on the East Bank. It just puts out such a strong message; stop the fighting, stop the pain, stop the differences. We're all human, we're all the same.


Anonymous said...

you're absolutely right. But this world will never rest in peace..forever!!

wish it happens one day!

Seroo said...

Have you read this guy's blog? He's a jerk.

Dr. Shale bin Agnon said...

That was depressing, but nice to know see that there is sufficient diversity of habitat that at least some group of us is likely to survive.

Shionge said...

Very powerful message there Ammaro and I feel like dancing too when I saw the video ~ Love it!

I am with you indeed that we are all the same :D

Taqo said...

i love this guy.

KJ said...

Am imagining if the only form of communication humans had was dancing

Anonymous said...

well said.

it's a great video as well. I found myself grinning while I watched it

Anonymous said...

great vid ....

Postoevsky said...

I love this guy - I can't believe he travelled to all those places.. that's awesome.

What an amazing video - I watched it three times, and couldn't stop tearing up for some reason lol. Reminds me of the Free Hugs Campaign video, looks like they were both going for the same effect; to bring people together.

rosh said...

Awwww - am all smiles and happy reading this post and on the video :) True indeed mate, we are all the same. It's amazing the kind of borders man has created for himself. Here's to unity!

Anonymous said...

true ... beautiful vid, thanks for putting it up.

that Nevada airspace! amazing, even in space!!

i wish more ppl could see the beauty in simple things. the world would be a much better place to live in.

Anonymous said...

I saw this a while back and felt like crying! It's really moving... to see the whole world come together and find job in something so simple.