9 May 2008

When Humans control the Weather

My friend just got back from Dubai last night, and was telling me about a freak thunderstorm in Dubai. Not a very long one, but one that mysteriously appeared on a very hot, dry and sunny afternoon. The weather cooled down considerably and some rain fell. A few minutes later, it was all gone and things were back to normal.

When you see something like this, you know the world is coming to an end; Why was it raining in May? And thunderstorms? This was a first for Dubai...

Well, that was Dubai's first experiment in 'artificial rain'. Yes, you heard right. Scientists used a complex process to spread seeding salts onto moist clouds, creating some sort of process to trigger rainfall.

If this isn't a sign that our final hour is nigh, I don't know what is. Humans are now controlling the weather. That's just very, very scary news.

Cloud seeding experiment has thundering success

By Aftab Kazmi, Bureau Chief
May 08, 2008
Al Ain: Tuesday's thunderstorm in the western and southern parts of the emirates was a result of a cloud seeding (artificial rain) test conducted by the weather authorities.

The storm produced intermittent rain in parts of Abu Dhabi and Dubai. It was a surprising phenomenon in the late-spring month of May for the public and some weathermen.

An official of the National Centre of Meteorology and Seismology (NCMS) on Wednesday confirmed the centre had carried out cloud seeding tests on clouds that came in from southern Saudi Arabia.

Residents and weathermen were baffled by the occurrence of thunderstorms in May.

"I was amazed to hear about a thunderstorm," said a weatherman requesting anonymity.

He said it was an unusual development of CB clouds, the clouds that generate thunderstorms, as most converge over the UAE in the winter, he added.

Abdullah Ahmad Al Mandoos, Executive Director of NCMS, said the cloud seeding test was successful and more experiments would be conducted in the next three months but depending on the weather conditions.

The NCMS director said Shaikh Mansour Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Minister of Presidential Affairs, has played a vital role in the project and has provided a plane and other facilities for its implementation.

Link to GulfNews Article


rosh said...

Yup read about it at UAECB - crazy wacky scary sick stuff I tell ya. Hope they scrap it ASAP.

SwaRwaR said...

they did it i guess here in riyadh

Anonymous said...


Coolred38 said...

So the govt messes with the weather doing experiments and didnt bother telling the local weathermen...hmmm...way to keep all relevant parties in the loop.

Moey said...

that's just super weird!

Anonymous said...

I wonder who takes responsiblity if there was any loss of life due to this ? End times yes! man is playing with nature ...

Ali said...

Damn man that is cool really think about it Thanx to the USA and countries that follow on the same lead polution is really high global warming and all so it sounds kinda fair if they controll the weather.

plus if shit hits the fan I'm going home no place for me in hot Arabian gulf.

wait the weather is going to get worse.

KJ said...

It's a micro organism that was released that makes water vapors condense. I think it is a great breakthrough and will certainly help lots of dry areas that have clouds that don't rain

Unknown said...

The scary part is that it was conducted by the weather authorities lol. As if they don't know the repercussions of such actions. There probably could be a lot of positive and productive applications for this, but when it gets started being used for corporate gain, that is surly when the world will end!

Anonymous said...

this is not very scary! i mean it could be really useful if used in the right way.

unless it has some negative side effects on nature ... mmm, that could a serious problem.

Anonymous said...

Even in Canada, the weather is crazy. It's still snowing (in May!!!) in Man. and Sask. even though it shouldn't. And we got way more snow this year... broke a record with almost 5 meters. Scary.

Shwaish said...

ya rabi laish il ligafaaaaaaaaaaaaa uff ma7ibhum zain!!

Moody Crab said...

Mon Dieu...this is really scary. The end is def near...

LiB Team said...

hahahah that reminded me of the time when a city in Iran spent months and a lot of money developing such a thing with the help of Russian scientists in order to provide water for their dry desert town. They managed to make the clouds, but then winds came and took the clouds to Afghanistan where it rained there. Mesakeeen.

SoulSearch said...

Not funny at all. Sick and scary is all I have to say. Typical Dubai behavior.

Shionge said...

First time I hear this..interesting so lots of rain & thunderstorm in the desert soon huh?

Reeshiez said...

I dunno if I am comfortable with this idea. We have already messed up the weather patterns because of global warming. And now Dubai is doing it directly?!!

Anonymous said...

why are you freaking out..
This is not a "new" thing to be done?? if you look back and see the history of such procedures you'd realize that its not NEW!

Just because the government here in the UAE is doing doesnt mean "dubai" is responsible for it!

I'm sick of people negative steroetypical behavior toward dubai. SERIOUSLY!!!

Anonymous said...

Ok let me educate you people here...
This is article was taken from "gulf news"
and THE SOURCE SAYS 'al ain' *Villiage in Abu Dhabi* and Abu Dhabi is the CAPITAL OF THE UNITED ARAB EMIRATES...

How is Dubai responsible for this?
Dubai is just the second largest city after the capital... Yeah, Dubai is not the capital and the UAE doesn't consist of DUBAI only!
Amaro, When reporting something.. Please don't bring in your BIASes into report and use back up sources and use them in a twisted way to support your "VIEW".

This article is not DUBAI based, hence how is Dubai only conducted such experiments...

THE UAE is made up of 7 beautiful FEDERAL emirate and each has their OWN internal GOVERNMENT.

PS. When u take and use articles from uaecommunity.blogspot please don't base the NEWS on your own little interpretations!

Ammaro said...

Leah; geez woman, calm down. You apparantly read this post with a subconscious belief in the back of your mind that 'everyone' hates dubai. Maybe you should try reading the post again. Anyway, two things i want to say here regarding your comments;

1, this isnt a news site, its not BBC, its not CNN, its not al jazeera. Its ammaro.com, its my personal site, and I can bias anything here any way i want to. I can say dubai is a craphole if i wanted. I can say dubai is super duper peanut butter and jelly great if i wanted. I can pretty much say anything and you could read if you like it, or go somewhere else if you dont. Ah, power of the internet, wow. Even with that said, some of the big news sites still bias their articles!

2, Please re-read my post again, and puhleez tell me where I was 'negative' against dubai. I was talking about a scary concept, of how humans are playing god. The only reason dubai was mentioned was because i have a friend living there who experienced the whole thing first hand, and i got to hear about it. I know this process has been tried before in china, iran, and so on, but unlucky me, i have no friends there. And if you accuse me of stealing things from your community blog again, ill scan your IP address, figure out who you are and where you live, and then create artificial thunderstorms to rain over your house for the rest of eternity.