22 May 2008

US Presidential Campaign News in 2010

Well, seems like Hillary Clinton STILL hasn't given up, even though it's very damn bleedin' obvious that she's out of the game! Sure, technically she still has a chance, but right now that's about the same chance that the earth will open up and start spitting diamonds to everyone. Sure, it could happen, it just most probably won't.

Anyway, she will not give up, will she? It's been pretty obvious a few weeks ago that she should step down, and even though most of the democrats around her have acknowledged that Obama is their candidate, somehow stubborn ol' Hillary is still at it! I can picture her a few years from now, after the votes have come in, the president selected (not her), starts going about his business in the white house, and she would probably still be campaigning then.


Anonymous said...

WHat makes you think the democrats will win? The Republicans will get the next vote if (when) Obama is the Democratic nominee.

Anonymous said...

LOL! You evil thing you! :p

Anonymous said...

LOL! You evil thing you! :p

eshda3wa said...

i take it ur not a fan of the cut throat biyach

Anonymous said...

I certainly hope the Democrats win! Now, I favor Obama, the woman is getting on my nerves...

Nope, she won't give up.

Ammaro said...

abid; i dont really care who wins. i could have posted a photo of mcain there and i would have gotten anti-republicans saying the same thing youre saying. the point is hillary losing, not who wins!

maya; not evil. just funny.

eshda3wa; i just dont get her. what is it, like some sort of pride thing that she wont let off?

zhu; democrats, republicans, i couldnt care less, really.

Anonymous said...

Obama OR Clinton ... John Wayne will win for sure !
i know i know ! its McCain !

Notes from behind the bike shed said...

I'm not sure if anyone caught this, but Obama's security detail has been considerably beefed up since Clinton's last comment: "Why should I quit? Obama might get assassinated and I would become the frontrunner again!"

Desert-Roses said...

I prefer her!