20 April 2008

People Are Stupid

I have this bad habit of believing most people are generally stupid.

It's quite a shame when you try to let go of such habits, giving people the trust and faith to do a simple job right, to which they end up proving they were even more stupid than originally thought.



Anonymous said...

Not literally stupid. Maybe there's another word suits them more.
Idiot maybe, jerks..

Redbelt said...

No Icon, Ammar means "Stupid".
I totally agree with you Ammar. Lets form a club or something.

KJ said...

The Wobbles?

Anonymous said...

That's not a habit, ur right! most ppl R stupid!!

Ali said...

By the way most people are stupid, why do you think i'm going bald?

Islander said...

this calls for a facebook group..

wat do u wana call it?

rosh said...

A mentor said to me - half the people out there are pure BS-ers! So if someone comes across a bit too intelligent/thoughtful, take it with a pinch of salt :)

Shwaish said...

ohh 3ammar, u need to continue having that habit because if u dnt they'll quickly prove u wrong and act stupid YET AGAIN *Kills coworkers*

Anonymous said...

this is why i have difficulty meeting and getting to know people...ammar dinner this weekend? "T"

LaLa said...

not generally stupid, lazy perhaps?

Freddie said...

Lala, not lazy, that's another thing, but downright, plain and simply stupid.

I agree with Ammar. If you form that FB group, I am IN.

And even when people ask stupid questions, remember that "there is no such thing as stupid questions, only stupid people".

Btw Ammar, nice photos on Flickr, I posted a comment for you my nick there is "leppardize" :)

Coolred38 said...

As an occassional stupid person(when forces of nature and the stars are lined up just so) I protest the forming of a club exalting my status as such...in which case I suggest Im made President and all bow to my will. Also, admission cost is I get your parking spot wherever you may at anytime I may need it. All those in favour repeat after me...Stupid is as Stupid does...cheers.

Coolred38 said...

As an occassional stupid person(when forces of nature and the stars are lined up just so) I protest the forming of a club exalting my status as such...in which case I suggest Im made President and all bow to my will. Also, admission cost is I get your parking spot wherever you may at anytime I may need it. All those in favour repeat after me...Stupid is as Stupid does...cheers.

Missy said...

eshda3wa 3alaik! I hate people who believe that they'r the smartest people on earth.

Anonymous said...

Hahha ! ekjactly ! Happens to me all the time ,... but because i believe in them i end up being stupider than them !

Ammaro said...

icon; no, i pretty much meant stupid stupid. As in idiot, dumass, loco, thor, ghabi etc

Redbelt; club.. Hmm..

Kj; the who??

Moonlight; of course im right, im always right!

Flymenian; im getting white hairs..

Sunshine; facebook group.. Hmm..

Rosh; haha! Yeah. The majority of people aint too bright..

Princess; i know.. I screwed up.. Im back to believe everyone out there is an idiot

Anon; only if its at a real expensive place. And youre paying!

Lala; no.. Its the laziness to use their brain that makes them stupid

Freddie; Thanks, and yeah, watch out for that FB group soon!

Coolred; its ok, i have no objections, you can be the president of stupid.

Missy; you can hate me a lot then ;)

Grey; dude, your not really a bright one generally, but try not to fall for the other stupid ones. Just try to be a little less stupid and youll be ahead of the game

Shoush said...

Lol. Maybe u tend to choose the wrong ppl to give the job too.

Woozie said...

That's a bad habit?

Bliss said...

Ana el3aks..
I think that some ppl are TOO smart for me, therefor i feel like the stupid person around.
lol it's sad, i know.

do0da said...

i like the fact theyr generally stupid :P i dont have to work as hard to be above average

Ali said...

I don't like this attitude, remember even if you think you're the smartest there will be situations where you will look stupid to others. I was like that but changed due to such situations ahm ahm

flana said...

no comment !!

Anonymous said...

Some people’s thoughts are stupid. And sometimes, people are stupid too.