12 March 2008

The solution to, erm, releasing gas.

I really thought this was a joke when I first saw it, but no, this is a very real product.

Ever got into a small, closed room with someone whose just had lots of beans? Or eggs? Or anything that causes their body to release deadly poison gases into the surrounding atmosphere, choking you to death??

Well, fear not, environment lovers, for Garment Guard has actually come up with the perfect solution; Subtle Butt. It's a very simple product; a peel-off adhesive that can be attached to your underwear, composed of soft fabric with antimicrobial treatment.

It basically sucks up the smell as you, ahem, relieve yourself, and ensures that the only thing released into the atmosphere is clean, non-smelly air. Also watch the video on their site for a more detailed explaination:

Subtle Butt

Makes the perfect present. The products people come up with, eh? Now all we need is a solution for the sound.


Redbelt said...

Cool! I'm ordering some!

Anonymous said...

Huh?? thats so weird and ..gross!!
People like making money .. from natural gases hehe.

Shionge said...

This is very fascinating and probably after the products become popular they'll be creative and add a nice scent to it so next time when people fart it'll be perfume in the air ;) heheheheh....

Islander said...

i know a few people who would be recieving this as birthday presents.. lol

KJ said...

Am gonna make a batch order for the office

Seroo said...

Very smart.

Ammaro said...

redbelt; errr... i wouldnt announce that very publicly like this...

icon; of course! where theres money to be made, you make it!

shionge; lovely idea! why dont you work on it?

sunshine; hell, ill walk around and start giving them out for free to half the people i know! :p

kj; excellent choice.

seroo; you should order some.

Moody Crab said...

Lmao...lawd!! Ammaro, the things you come up with...it is so freaking unbelievable!! You will make an amazing date. Lmao!!

Anonymous said...

roflmao! i need them ! do they have in pajama's as well?