10 March 2008

The Sky's the Limit

He put the convertible top down on his car as he cruised the highway, on this cool breezy evening.. It had been a good day. He went out, saw some friends, connected with old buddies, did things he forgot could bring him joy.

Nothing mattered right now, besides this feeling. It was all perfect; the top down as he sped down the road, not a care in the world, as the radio played nice, relaxing songs... He forgot all his worries, his stress, his problems, and just cruised until the sun came up...


KJ said...

Mabrook!! :D :D :D

Redbelt said...

Is this an attempt for a very short and tiny story?

SoulSearch said...

I love to sit back and read a good meaty book...
That's my "freedom" time...

Anonymous said...

wow its one of those beautiful days that I really wish for :)

Anonymous said...

ya rayeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee2 :)

Jay said...

if i had a cool looking convertible, i would be happy too!
: )

iMaha said...

ya salam 3lyk ;)

Anonymous said...

Lucky you

Ammaro said...

kj; err... mabrook? i had this car for ages btw

redbelt; no actually this was me yesterday

soulsearch; as long as you know what makes u happy

amu; have one!

cat; thnks

jay; yeah, thats my baby

bahraindiva; ya salam 3al jaww

icon; lucky, why? i think its a mindset. one thats sort of gotten screwed up today actually

Anonymous said...

nice car and nice picture ;)

L.R.643 said...

aaaahhh, this is my TRUE source of fun! it rejuvenates me......!

Anonymous said...

I should do that sometimes, ! can i sleep while driving?

david santos said...

Hello, Ammaro!
Excellent post.
Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Sounds very American (car culture etc.). I guess it's my European side (or maybe cause I'm a woman?) I have almost never drove for freedom or pleasure. Man, I'm way to practical sometimes! ;)

Love the new look of your blog BTW, noticed a while ago but forgot to say it.

Anonymous said...

Nice story

rosh said...

ah! cruising beautiful highways, with music to sooth - absolute bliss!

Shionge said...

That's cool and how I wish I was the passenger too ;)

Anonymous said...

oh uh , u and i have almost the same car ...

i like to cruise down the roads when im down , makes me feel good :)