23 March 2008

Life Changing Decisions

Two roads to choose from.

The first takes you down a safe path, where everything is familiar, but routine, boring. It doesn't fulfil any of your dreams, or anything you really want to achieve in life, but it's safe. It's secure. Your existence will stay bland, colorless, but you're safe in the knowledge that you've done something to ensure your future is set.

The second path is a little more complicated. You don't know where it's going to take you, you don't know where it ends. There is a possibility that you will fall flat on your face, that you will get yourself into a bad situation. But there's also the chance that you make it, and make it big, live your dreams and be happy while you're at it. That you find joy, that you find true happiness. But remember, there's a risk. And yes, it's a big risk.

Which would you choose?


Anonymous said...

The risky road!! That's life.

Anonymous said...

#2 ftw...if you take #1, you will always wonder what would have happened if you took #2. So take #2 and find out!

rosh said...

Hmmmm - shall chose a path, that winds thru both. A path, that winds thru calm, reassurance and stability - and of high risk possibilities, thorns and rewards. 'cause if you don't face the thorns, you may not appreciate the roses - and if you can't appreciate a rose, what's the point to life mate :)

anyhoooo, that's my pennyworth of mumbo jumbo eh :)

Anonymous said...

that was a bit more than a pennys worth lol
bas i think everyone would answer with the second path, even if they dont really choose it in reality

Anonymous said...

What does "bas" mean?

unokhan said...

what is at stake? if you will lose your allowance for this week, go hell for leather. if you stand to lose your lower extremities, think twice.

SoulSearch said...

i would say depending on the stakes, if they're not that high go for the second option definitely. I know I would, I would just die if I didn't. Go for what would make your dreams come true and then celebrate. Life's all about choices...
two roads diverge...

Redbelt said...

I did take the risky road.
It didn't take me to where I wanted to go, but I'd do it again if I had the chance.

Ammaro said...

thanks everyone for your comments; the truth is, there is quite a bit at stake here. i mean, if it was a small decision, i wouldn't have thought about it twice, but this is pretty damn big...

im on the verge of going with the second one, who knows how it's gonna turn out, but lets hope for the best.

Redbelt said...

think of it this way:
Better to try and fail than go the safe way and spend all your life kicking yourself in the ass saying: "what if? What if?"

rosh said...

Good luck mate, all the very best!

Anonymous said...

Dejavu? You said this thing twice before, i think you should travel the difficult path so that you can see how green is the grass on the other side.


KJ said...

It's about that travelling issue from before right?

Estakheer rabbak; this is the best advise I can give. If you're not into it, just follow your gut.

Anonymous said...

Leave Life-Changing Decisions to Your Unconscious Mind ... If our conscious mind isn’t much use for making hard decisions, what is it good for?