13 March 2008

How Super Mario's World looks to Mario

Remember the Super Mario game? Ever wondered how Mario actually sees everything? Well, probably not, but someone obviously thought about it, and created this image... Very clever :) Click for full size:

Sort of depressing actually. Also pretty worrying running around and seeing your score and life posted up there in huge letters. Imagine having that in your own life, hehe..


SouS said...

wow.. that would be depressing, looking up and being able to estimate how long your life will be.. also being pushed around and made to do what someone else wants you to do who knows maybi super mario wants to go left instead of straight?

eshda3wa said...

i subconsciously have that score bored
u know.. good deeds bad deeds

Anonymous said...

I suppose we'll keep telling ourselves "look ahead, no don't look left, don't look left.. keep running!!"

If you look carefully though, Mario is always kinda looking away from the score XD

But we sort of are on the run most of the time aren't we!

Anonymous said...

*sigh* .. I need a simi imagination

Moody Crab said...

Hmmm..I love super mario. I'm currently playing it on my DsLite. Unfortunately, I've been on stage one since Nov 2007. Thanks for the info into Mario's life...now I can relate better.

Moody Crab said...
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Manal said...

you remind of the old days

nice post Ammar

Anonymous said...

lol..nice post...i still think Mario only sees in two dimensions :)

Wasnt there a book about life in two dimensions :S

Nora-Cassandra said...

i loved that first one! the good old days! i was hoping to find it someday to show it to my daughter, but they just had those new stuff! :P

well at least i keep my good memories even if it's to myself! :)

Anonymous said...

Never played Video games in my whole sorry life , i think i am from different planet.

Anonymous said...

Ammar Ammar Ammar. You live in Bahrain dude.

Your score in life is displayed on your bank statement!

KJ said...

LooooL grey!

Ammaro, man, this ROCKS! Will definitely be my wallpaper!

Try youtubing "mario telsa".. you'll crack up

Manutdfanatic said...

Pretty depressing? Very depressing. Poor Mario. I guess I never thought of it that way.


Coolred38 said...

I have two ongoing scores prominently displayed on my "screen"...one is the Wish I Had Done It score....vey high...and the other is my Wish I Hadnt Done It score....unfortunately this one is even higher...

CG said...

I loved Super Mario.
I was late for my wedding cos I was playing it and forgot the time.