20 November 2007

News Flash

What do you guys think of the news flash box on the right hand side?

Like it? Useful? Silly?

If you haven't figured out what it is, well, it's, umm.. A box that displays news flashes; ie, latest news and happenings. Well, it's manually operated right now but I might automate it if it gets enough popularity.

Any thoughts appreciated.


Anonymous said...

i like it.. especially since i've given up on the news.. at least this way i can get the highlights. (i was just reading about the 70% hike! hehe dubai's laughing at the rest of the Gulf!)

Anonymous said...

not cool ! drag it down to the bottom ... like i have done in my blog ! then its me ! im here to read ammaro ! not news ;)

Anonymous said...

Fantastic! BTW, I'm moving to the UAE and getting a government job!!! WooHoo!!!

Anonymous said...

i second grey on that :)

Ammaro said...

msb; yes... its ridiculous. funny when bahrain said they'll raise salaries by 15%, then decided they'll only raise salaries for SOME govt employees, and then decided that most get something variable between 1 and 15%!

grey; umm. ok im with you on that but... you can still read it! i havent moved anything!

anon; of course you are.

speedo; no you dont :p

Anonymous said...

ɪ read what you write and your thouɡhts thro feedreader, but news on sidebar... not like it ː)

Ammaro said...

mmm... ok, feedback accepted.

its not news in general; ie, not anything and everything, only things that might seem really interesting.

Michael Hendrickx said...

I like it.. although i would put it somewhere lower too..

Shoush said...

I feel indifferent about it. 3adi.

Anonymous said...

It's a good thing! I say keep it.
Is it all about economics though? or general news?

but it's useful either way:)

Anonymous said...


Taqo said...

A7is maluh da3i. Like the news there now isn't that "interesting" :p

Maybe if you posted/updated it with weird and bizarre stories?

Bs in the end it's your blog, so ahm shay you like it! :p

Anonymous said...

I don't mind it at all, it can be useful!

However, I'd say don't use a red font. It draws a lot of attention on it and might distract from the -great- posts. ;)

Unknown said...

It would be better if it updated live.

Seroo said...

I like it.

KJ said...





Cute actually with the anecdotes

Jay said...

i like it!

Jay said...

i like it!

Ammaro said...

Thanks for the input guys. I think i'll keep it, move it down a little, and only update it manually depending on news i think it relevant/important/useful.

thanks again :)

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