18 November 2007

More Words of Wisdom

The way things are going, this 'words of wisdom' thing might turn into a daily series... Anyway...

"When bringing home a salad (with very liquid dressing), and carrying the take-out in a plastic bag, do not place your cellphone in the same bag, otherwise you will probably have to buy a new one"

Any suggestion for a new phone, guys? I feel so stupid!


Anonymous said...

LMAO ! join my club !

Shoaib said...
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Shoaib said...

LOL!!! I'm sorry for the loss of ur beloved phone.. may Its network rest in peace... *amen*

gi say go for the N95 .. (YAY!)

Anonymous said...

oh no!!! hehehe... go for ericsson.. the k800i is really good..

Unknown said...

iPhone? k850i?
Hmm.. N82 if you're into nokia

Shoush said...

Why wud any1 put their phone in a bag of food? I don't understand.

Anonymous said...

Sony Ericsson all the way! They're the best.

And what made u put ur cell the same bag!!

Bride To-Be said...

Thats wise!
well I've always been loyal to NOKIA .. never used anything else b4.

Ammaro said...

grey; yes, you're the king of stupid, and now im the prime minister!

shoaib; ive been eyeing that phone for a while now

msb; i have a sorta hate thing for ericsons...

N; N82? is that a new one?

Shoush; when faced with tough circumstances and having to transport many items from your car to your home, you may find yourself in a similar situation

moonlight; hey, stop it all of you! i feel stupid enough already thanks!

bride; im with you on that...

Shoush said...

But thats y pants hav pockets.

Unknown said...


Redbelt said...

forget the phone.
Invest in some Ginko Bilboa tablets and you might begin avoiding "stupid time".

CG said...

Hmmm...those salad dressings are high in calories too, that should have set the alarm bell ringing.
I once left a half eaten bar of chocolate (my sons leftovers) in the bottom of my bag and forgot about it. The bag was huge so it was easily lost. Then a few days later I went to the Embassy and left my whole bag with phone inside, cos I knew they would take it from me at the gate. I got delayed inside, and came out after 3 hours to find a parking ticket on my car windscreen. I was huffing and puffing mad and went to get my phone so I could vent a little to someone, but it was a gooooooey mess. White milky bar had soaked through the entire thing. Anyway, the funny thing is it still worked. Then I splashed some water on it and cleaned it up with kleenex and it still worked. But GEEEE it stank for ages.
I still use it, and I bet it still has old choc inside.

Ammaro said...

shoush; stop rubbing it in will you!

n; thx.. will check it out

redbelt; you been having a lot of those, have you?

CG; my phone was making freaky buzzing sounds yesterday after i tried switching it on. i guess chocolate is easier on hardware than italian sauce...

Desert-Roses said...

Iphone is good..I love it bs i don't know bout you ;D

Coolred38 said...

Ive had motorollas, nokias, and sony eriksons....i didnt like the sony that much k800(btw it didnt hold up too well when a car ran over it either...go figure)...nokia was ok but kept having problems from day one(turning on and off...buttons not working)...the moto's ive had have all worked great and never gave me any problems...but thats just me. Nobody else seems to find them that great....guess Im a Moto kind of girl.

KJ said...

ammaro ya ammaro

leih heik the universe hates you?

I didn't put my mobile in a plastic bag with liquids. But it is a good excuse to coax people to buy me a new one :D

I am a sony ericsson guy... dunno if you're my type

Ammaro said...

desert; noooooooooooooo, dont say the dirty iWord on my site!

coolred; yes, you're right, i dont find them great either :p

kj; yes, its not my fault! its the universe planning a conspiracy against me!