15 November 2007

And the Dodo was too stupid to survive...

Part of Charles Darwin's Theory states the following:

In the struggle for survival, the fittest win out at the expense of their rivals

In other words, as the process of evolution happenes, the strong will survive and the weak will die out. In this day and age, however, brute strength is not necessarily the measure that will determine whether you die out or not, as the elements of technology, machinery, weapons we use and so on can basically modify your physical strength. What does stand out, however, is your mental power. Meaning that if you are an idiot, you will die out sooner or later, as shown by the following examples:

Woman being 'silly' hit by freight train

Tue Nov 13, 4:57 PM ET
MARYSVILLE, Calif. - A 54-year-old woman was recovering in the hospital after being hit by a Union Pacific freight train south of Marysville.

Deborah Thompson told authorities afterward that she drank a bottle of whiskey before she wandered to the railroad tracks and tried to wave the train to a stop. When asked why, she told Yuba County sheriff's deputies she was just being silly.

Instead, the train hit her and knocked her 20 to 30 yards. Thompson suffered head injuries and a fractured thigh bone but was conscious and talking after the accident.

Being silly? SILLY?? Silly is sticking your tongue out for a photo. Silly is wearing a clown suit and going to work. This, on the other hand, is so far down the intelligence chain that I think even some single-celled organisms might re-consider doing something similar.

You see, this is a classic example of people who will die out sooner or later. For the benefit of our world, I sure hope it happens sooner, and I really hope her kind doesn't reproduce either. Anyway; more stupid people, and this time a little closer to home:

Man critical after falling from building

A MAN who fell out of a first floor window yesterday morning was in a critical condition at Salmaniya Medical Complex last night.

**Name removed to protect the guilty** suffered severe head, pelvic and spinal injuries when he fell from the Middle East Suites apartment building, Juffair, shortly before 10am, sources said.

The 42-year-old was taken by ambulance to the hospital's Accident and Emergency Department and was receiving "extensive treatment" yesterday. "We have been told he leaned too far out of the window, lost his balance and fell."

Well well well. After 42 years old of living on Earth, you would expect someone to be quite familiar with the laws of gravity; ie, if there is nothing holding you up, you will fall. Therefore, leaning out of a first floor window means no first floor to hold you up, and you will fall down. Unless this guy just came to Earth after 42 years of living in outer space (which I assume is probably not true), there really is no excuse. Darwinists would hope he had fallen from the 20th floor instead, so that there would be no chance for someone with such astonishing stupidity to survive such a fall. Hopefully he doesn't have children, because if he does, within the next few years or so we'll be seeing a lot of people falling from buildings, planes, etc...


Anonymous said...

Shit happens ! i know some one who choked on a soluble pandaol ... ( he ate panadol and drank water instead of diluting it in a glass of water ) how silly ?

Haitham Salman said...

This is another one.. it happened few days ago....

ST. JOHNS COUNTY, Fla. -- St. Johns County deputies recently launched an investigation into what they called one of the strangest accidents they've ever seen when a man was found dead after getting stuck in a cat door.

Investigators said 32-year-old Charles Tucker Jr. was using the cat door early Saturday morning as a way to get back into his girlfriend's St. Augustine home after the woman kicked him out.

Moody Crab said...

@Haitham Salman; I don't mean to laught but hahahhahaha!!! Are you serious? Hahahaha...

The guy falling from the build is just too funny. As in really? What was he thinking? That an invisble but soft hands would catch him? Jeez...

asoom said...

You should watch the darwin awards!

With regards to darwin's theory, it's not necessarily strong vs. weak as much as it's about those that survive to produce more offspring and when it comes to humans it's not about strong vs. weaks like it is with animals.

For example, although this woman#1 is lacking in intelligence she may also have a pattern of getting drunk and acting recklessly on a regular basis and may have gotten pregnant unplanned and had a few babies to pass her genes to the next generation which makes her on top in the game of survival of the fittest.

Ammaro said...

grey; very silly, indeed.

haitham; lovely. thanks for the contribution

confession; i know! i mean, wht the...

asoom; oh, i know the darwin awards well :D theyre a good laugh... and as for your second comment... erm... ok...

A.K said...

So, are we implying that Silly people are FITTEST and SURVIVE despite STUPIDITY!

Unknown said...

The thing is though, these people didn't die! Bummer..

Anonymous said...

I'm sure alcohol was a leading factor in both cases!

The next phase in human evolution will be survival of the shrewdist! Who ever is the smartest, meanest and most selfish will survive! At least that's what it seems like...

Semaj said...

Man, the woman is extremely lucky, considering all that weight that train had going behind it.

So, what do we call this genetic trait this guy passes among to his children?

Good post, as always.

Anonymous said...

heheh, u're introduction just made the whole thing sound much cooler:D
although i think the salmaniya man knew what he was doing, or in other words, he was trying to suicide, since he was already in the hospital and all. but they wouldn't say that now would they??!!

Seroo said...

What if he was drunk?
What if he was on drugs? Looked over and the ground seemed closer than he thought?
What if he had a serious disorder? What if he had that disorder where people can't comprehend the concept of space and his brain didn't interpret that he was so high up?
Don't be so judgemental, even the dodo had it's charm.

=) trust me, that guy's not the stupidest I've seen or heard of in Bahrain.

Seroo said...

AND did you know that the human head actually weighs a lot more than you think - and therefore, if you are looking over something your head can actually tip your weight over the wrong way and you can lose your balance, hence, fall off the top of a building ... ?

(I just like doing this) =)

Princess Ambiguous said...

I read this early in the morning and it gave me my first laugh of the day, thought I'd come back and say danke schon! hehe

Woozie said...

You should read "The Darwin Awards". It's an anthology of stories like these. My personal favorite is a tale of a man who was crushed to death by a Coke machine while attempting to tip a free soda out of it.

Anonymous said...

I've heard of something - quite cynical I must say - called the Darwin Award, where people recall the most stupid deaths.

Oh, just read the comment above... ;)

KJ said...


When I was younger I used to sit on the darabzeen/fence thing on the balcong and dangle my legs to feel the breeze.

Moogle lives!

Amethyst said...

Here's a story:
Guy dies because he was standing on the car when it hit a speed bump.

Ammaro said...

AK; i only posted two articles. third time lucky!

N; they will sooner or later.

Anon; thats true. its what gets you further in life nowadays

semaj; dude, lucky would be her dying and us being rid of her kind

moon; suicide from the first floor? that makes him even stupider!

seroo; you love taking things the extreme way la? no. i dont think so. he was stupid. full stop. this is my blog.

seroo; have you tried it?

princess amb; eem... well, danke schon to you too!

woozie; i know them. gotta love 'em

zhu; yup.

kj; and youre still here?

amethyst; erm...

CG said...

That cracked me up.
But, are we all not guilty of committing a 'silly' thing once in our lives? I am way too embarrassed to fess up here, but I have done my share, and they will also make you question the word silly again and again.