28 April 2008

I'm Back

Sleeping. Relaxing. Finishing off all those small tasks that I haven't had time to do over the past 6 months. Relaxing some more. Etc..

Yup, i've finally got a chance to get some much needed R&R, hence my disappearance from the site for a while. Rumors have surfaced that I died in a plane crash. Other rumors surfaced that I had decided to take the fundamentalist path and fly to Afghanistan to join the mujahideen. Other rumors included everything from me being recruited by the CIA to find those mujahedeen, to me winning the lottery. Nope, nothing of the sort. I'm still here living a pretty mundane existence.

Or maybe this post is a cover up for my new secret identity? Who know? Hmmmm.....

Jokes we played on Bin Laden


  1. good to have u back

  2. Anonymous21:56

    Hello :-)

    I actually though u were playing the xbox u got...

  3. I figured maybe you were pregnant.

  4. Welcome back..

    Everytime I add the feed to your site thinking it will work, now I know it doesn't.

    There has been an error of some kind. Ack!
    FeedBurner could not deliver this feed to you because of the specific problem listed below:

    Feed Address: http://feeds.feedburner.com/ammar456

    HTTP Error (Code) and Message: (404) Feed not found error: FeedBurner cannot locate this feed URI.

    This is what I get! So fix it so I can add your feed to my reader =P

  5. eshda3wa; put more enthusiasm into it, why dont ya?

    moonlight; haha! that was part of it! :p

    shale; well, from all the sitting, eating junk food and not getting much excercise, im starting to feel like it

    N; you're trying to add the old feed buddy. the link for the new feed is on the right, its http://feeds.feedburner.com/ammaro not ammar456.

  6. Welcome back!

  7. Yooohoooo....welcome back ;D

  8. yaaaaaaaaay! to have you back :) LMAO @ Taliban jokes!

  9. Anonymous09:09

    You were gone ??

  10. hehe 7abait il cartoon hehehhehe


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