29 April 2008

He drove on...

He drove on as the afternoon sun shined with a beautiful orange hue, and he put down his car windows as he went. Sure, everyone else sat in their air conditioned cocoons in the vehicles around, but he wanted to immerse himself the warm, slightly dusty atmosphere of the desert around him.

He drove on as the hot breeze snuck into the car, blowing in faster as he sped up. The radio played an old track he used to listen to during his school days, and all of a sudden he was there; back outside the gates at the end of a school day, all his friends around, happy to have gotten through the day. The sun above them scorched the sky, as a breeze of hot air swept through. This didn't matter though; they were overjoyed with getting through this school week, and it was now time to enjoy a well deserved weekend.

He drove on as he reached the highway, the hot breeze and the rays of the sun gently burning his skin. He remembered the days that passed, how carefree they all were, how little responsibility they held, and how little stress they felt. Those days were so far away now, but somehow the air around him, the burning sun, the music playing all brought it all back.

Where was he now? A place full of stress, full of responsibility, full of worries. The friends had all somehow separated, each going their separate way, and even when they managed to catch up with each other, the smiles that used to adorn their faces back then were few and far between.

Still, for these few minutes behind the wheel, he felt peace, he felt joy. He felt young, and he lost himself in the moment as he drove on...


  1. I try my best too to keep the windows down and the AC off. Somehow I long for a summer break!

  2. Anonymous15:50

    Tell me about it dude ....
    It is hectic all day around but the few minutes i have behind the wheel, music blasting i my ears, windows down and the hair playing around with my hair ... i feel like nothing is wrong even if it is for just a few minutes :)

  3. Cruising down the highway......cool :D

  4. Anonymous04:55

    Driving for freedom, driving to clear one's mind... a very North American sport that I'm starting to master as well.

    Driving is somewhat therapeutic!

  5. A heartfelt post. I love long drives by self, with some light music - yup aroma therapy for the soul :) I do wish for your worries to wash away and become smiles of peace/joy. Hang in there bro, thinks always work out. The photograph is brilliant - the desert sun and those street lights so reminiscent of home, all quite soothing to the soul.

  6. Anonymous11:10

    What complete and utter nonsense! Focus more on the issues of the day like the psychotic parliament who is trying to ban the joys of Haifa Wahbi and alcohol.


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