25 February 2008

'Being what you want to be' gone wrong

I'm a firm believer that you have the power to be whatever you want to be. If you want something strongly enough, and you have the willpower and persistance, you will achieve it.

However, some things are pretty much out of reach. If you are a 39 year old man, for example, you cannot be a teenage school-girl, no matter how much willpower and persistance you have.

"Girl" at school was 39-year-old man

TOKYO (Reuters) - A Japanese man was arrested for trespassing this week after turning up at a high school dressed in a girl's uniform and a long wig, local police said.

Thirty-nine-year-old Tetsunori Nanpei told police he had bought the uniform over the Internet and put it on to take a stroll near the school in Saitama, north of Tokyo, on Wednesday, the daily Asahi Shimbun said.

When students standing outside the gates started to scream at the sight of him, he dashed inside the school grounds, hoping to blend in with the crowds of teenagers, the paper said. They also screamed, forcing the man to flee, losing his wig in the process. A school clerk pursued him and stopped him at a nearby riverbank, the paper said.

Police confirmed the arrest of the man in school uniform and wig but declined to give further details.
And with this, I say that you should almost always follow your dreams to be whatever you want to be, but not always.


  1. That's just perverted! He'd definitely be heading for the girls' locker rooms!

  2. This is hilarious!! I suppose there is the flip side to all great phrases - leave it to the loonies ha!


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