25 February 2008

As I write this i'm sitting in the car, i'm at a traffic light and i've been here, stopped for almost 10 minutes. The causeway behind me is packed, people are blasting their horns, irritated by having to wait this long.

And why? It's because some royal shaikh or something is supposed to pass by on the road infront of us, and so every single other road is blocked until they make a safe, uninterrupted passage.

Having to do this and cause one hell of a mess on the roads for everyone else, during rush hour no less, can only suggest two things. One, whoever is passing is worried about safety, meaning he might not be liked very much,or two, mr royalty is not supposed to experience traffic jams.

Lets assume the second one. Now why the hell not? Maybe if you guys actually felt a little bit of this ridiculous traffic rush we go through every single effin' day, you might go out there and use your 'powers' to actually do something about the roads.

Oh look, here they go, passing by with no jams or traffic, while we sit here. A good 15 mins after I first stopped, the traffic light turns green, finally!


  1. I think they worry about their 'safety'.

  2. aaah 7atta lw mo z7ma they ask u to pull over and wait till mr X passes and then u can move ur car!!!!!

  3. Ammaro: Look, we can get out. The mortar around the jail bars has worn away.
    Ammaro's aged and bearded inmate: The bars are not the real prison. The real prison is the desert outside.
    (inspired by a scene from The Jewel of the Nile)

    How is freedom of speech in Bahrain these days?

  4. shoush; would you care to elaborate?

    missy; yup. i remember i was stopped on the side of the road once, and shaikh khalifa passed by. he waved at me; that was so cool.

    shale; if i stop posting for a few days, then you'll know!

  5. Anonymous22:02

    i think its the second one ;p baitna 3al ba7ar oo kel youm wel thani y9akroon el share3 3shan eli eb ye6le3oon men dar salwa !

  6. I dont understand why they do that, whatever happened to bulletproof cars!

  7. Hahaha, oh Bahrain!

  8. Ya3ni it's for i76iya6at amniya. In case a car next to them decides to blow itself up or run into them or similar scenarios. Fa lazim mawkib oo 5arabee6 to protect the countries VIP.

    Y am i defending them? I shud be jealous and trash these practices.

  9. I think it is the same all over the world not just in your country for sure... :( Sad they fail to reach out to the ground

  10. At least you stopped for traffic lights. When the American Monkey was here they closed Dubai off.

  11. I hate when tat happens... n it always happens whenever i'm in a rush to reach sumwhere!

  12. Get a motor bike.

  13. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  14. Anonymous15:53


    These ******** will NEVER realise the error of their ways.... I mean they...whoever they are the most ******** up beings their are... if they are reading this... *********** ******* ****** ****** ********* ******** ********** ******** ******** ****** *****...They wanna keep us "lowlifes" waiting... so be it.... all I can say is ... "Every dog will have his day..."

    ammaro note: PS. The above message was edited to make sure I don't get arrested or whatever. thank you lib team, we get the point :p

  15. thanks, I am on overdoes of anger so yeah thank you a lot... I shall
    change my logo also back to whatever it looked like...

  16. I guess some folks always get importance than others, sad, really. I once had to sit thru 2 hours in a dingy aircraft in DC(with no air conditioning) with the awful summer heat - whilst Dick Cheney, boarded Airforce 2 and flew away into the sunset.

    Take heart, in your own abilities and wonderful liberating thought process, is all I can say for now :) - 'cause there are folks who truly think they deserve to be treated as second class peasants.

    woozie - in this context, Bahrain is not bad, not bad at all, compared to the US - so am not sure, what you're laughing at.


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