4 November 2007

Small Cars, Jeremy Clarkson, and Epileptic Fits

If you're not a fan of Top Gear, then there's something wrong with you. Besides being the pure essence from which all other TV shows are made from (and hence bow down to), Top Gear is chock-full of informative, entertaining and downright funny car reviews. Even if you're not really into the whole 'vehicle thing' (ie, you drive a bicycle to work), here's an episode that might definately catch your attention; the World's smallest car (good when you can't find a parking spot in downtown Manama). Watch the whole thing; it's around 7 minutes long, but it sure as hell is worth it.

Gotta love Jeremy Clarkson.

On another note, due to the overwhelming number of complaints of seizures, temporary blindness, epilepsy among other symptoms caused by my previous white text on black background, I have decided to change the colors to something more eye-friendly (although you have to admit, it definately is NOT AS COOL as the black background). I hope you wimps are happy now.




    P.s. the black background luked waaaaay better... >(

  2. Jeremy Clarkson is abso-frckkin hilarious!! I'd rather walk than be caught dead in THAT thing! No way...give me the big cars, please.

    Oh...Bring back the black background...It was way cooler and sexier!

  3. Ya, i knew something felt different here. I didn't notice until u mentioned the background color. It is SO MUCH MORE eye friendly. :P

    And this car! Wow! And i thot the Smart car was tiny. Wat was i thinking.

  4. Anonymous15:45

    Black is Black man ! Grey is so not you !

  5. Anonymous15:50

    LOL! dude, he's the best!
    I love this show...
    I wonder if the are going to reveal "the stig" :D

  6. im sure ur sensitive commenters are beyond happy.

    i watch top gear with my dad.
    the hosts are hilarious

    and ur right..
    grey cannot even be compared to black.

  7. Ahhhaa. Initially I thought these were just your uuh, winter colors or something :D

    Haha. That car? The future?
    I think not! Imagine getting into a car accident in that? :-S Your ass would be soo done for :p
    Anyhow, I think I have a slight case of claustrophobia...Just watching that made me feel stuck and confined.

  8. Anonymous20:09

    Clarkson is a classic, so is the gray. Don't believe them, this is MUCH more professional and easier on the eyes. I can actually see myself visiting and commenting once in a while now!

  9. Anonymous20:31

    hahahaha thank you for that, that was very informative, surely I know what my first car will be.. for now I'm content with having just purchased a bicycle from a friend who's leaving the US in a week. so I'm living a blissful life while my carbon footprint is still relatively small. "if it only had a reverse gear" hahaha..

  10. Anonymous20:33

    oh and no color change will (hopefully) change the high quality of this here content but glad to hear some people will no longer complain about an eye sore ;) which wasn't even that.

  11. i really love Top Gear..its one of my fav show!.. ^^

  12. shoaib; amen to that my friend. and what can I say, I cant stick to black. I really don't want people suing for me epileptic fits and stuff :P

    sunshine; umm. yes.

    confessions; actually it could be fun. just needs a really good stereo and huge surround system. and yeah, i would like to think that i have enough sexy to make up for the grey :p

    shoush; yaaay. first happy visitor.

    grey; i sense some irony in your tone, mr grey.

    reko; the stig will never be revealed. some say he eats children for breakfast, and he can wiggle his ears during the sunrise.

    palo; are you one of those sensitive readers?

    taqo; winter colors. hmm. makes sense. and about the accidents, it wouldnt be such a big deal if EVERYONE was driving them!

    mahmood; I'm sure the word "clarkson" boded you to come to my site. We at ammaro.com are honored by your visit, please have some tea. Care for some Earl Grey? Sorry. No pun intended.

    sobeit; you have to admit that little thing is pure genius. i want one.

    boy_z3; ONE OF? What are you comparing it to? It doesn't compare!!!

  13. I quite enjoyed the sensation of searing my corneas. You're right, this is wimpy.

  14. thankxx for changing the colour. ur such a cuppycake. :P try white background, i'd look much better :P

  15. Anonymous02:04


    you never said anything about posting in your blog lol

  16. Anonymous02:05

    by the way, how do i make an account?? timalalt min "anonymous"...

  17. june; what can I do? I'm going to change the color/template a few times within the next few days and see what looks good...

    missy; i am a cuppycake la?
    no, no white.

    anon; get off my back! and you can sign up on blogger.com or use your gmail address if you have one

  18. Oh you're using reverse psychology :P You picked a horrible color for us to tell you to go back to the previous version LOOOOOOOOOOOL.

    If you want I can help you design a contrast-friendly theme with dark BG and light FG

  19. y? it'd look better :p

  20. no no no white woud be more faj2a :| this is good, tho u might wana go a bit darker.. this is too light..
    miss ur black template tho, the change was sudden.. like cadbury going green instead of purple overnight.. *sob*

  21. course not
    i be a tough cookie
    u forget my background is black?


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