3 November 2007

Have a Bite!

Wow, the weather has finally turned good; right now im sitting on the grass at the (dolphin) corniche in manama. Come November every year, Bahrain finally says 'bye bye' to the ridiculous heat that has been plaguing us since, lets say, April?

Yes, Bahrain is officially a burning oven, an overheated car engine, a first class sauna, for lets say a good 50% of the year. As for the remaining period, the weather usually ranges from the reasonably pleasant, the uncomfortably cold, the ridiculously wet, to everything in between.

But today is one of those beautifully perfect days. The breeze is cool, sun is out but not too hot, and here by the sea the sky is blue, the grass is green, and a number of families have come out to enjoy the weather, leaving their children to play in the open air.

One thing I figure needs to change about the Bahraini (and probably Arab) mentality in general, is how they're always up in each others business. It's sort of funny, actually. Today, our family finds a nice spot to sit, near a bunch of other families, and this group of women a few meters away just stare. Through the corner of their eye, of course, but they're sitting there staring and chattering to themselves. Normal; that's what happens when you put a bunch of arab women together, but after a few minutes you would expect it to stop.

But no, they just kept going, so I decided they needed a lesson. When we put out the food and started eating, I took a plate of food and went over and offered it to them. They looked suprised, and asked what I was doing, so I said "You've been staring since we got here so I figured you might want some of our food, as you didn't have any of your own".

Needless to say, problem solved, and they stopped staring totally. lol.


  1. Anonymous23:40

    i love the way you think! congratulations on a good burn! =)

  2. omgggg i like uuuuuuuuuuuu hehehhehe 7ada 7abait il 7araka but ana too chikena to do shay chithi, i just stare back hehehe

  3. Anonymous10:21

    zain sawait feehom... nas ma etyee illa bil 3ain el 7amra! :)

    btw, let's be fair.. it didnt start getting hot till aug this year, unlike the usual april every year.

    loving the weather..

  4. Anonymous10:41

    what goes on in their heads u never know, just yesterday i stopped to get some dinner, a brand new camry pulls along and stops right besides my car, the young woman inside started making faces at my wife!!! but i saw nothing at the moment cuz i was talking to the guy taking the order, but i always tell my wife " try not to look at peoples faces in this country" and by the day they get worse........ its sad

  5. Anonymous11:13

    sij len samona "hnood ilkhaleej" sadgeen, kila 3yon el nass emfagaga 3alaleyeswa o ma yeswa

  6. ambaaaih ehehhehe yestahlooon :p

    *ammaar ur blog's template is evil 9ert 7ola o ana agra.. i had to increase the size of the font :( black and white wayeed irritating, how about u change it to white(background) and black(font)? :P

  7. I am in a world of my own. i never see people staring, looking, flirting. Just caught up in myself.
    This is a job for my wife, who surprised me a couple of times by going up to a woman and asking her why the f*** is she staring at me.
    I totally get freaked out and go like, huh? WTF just happened here.

    But even somepeople are so "plata" that even head on confrontations are not stopping them. I remember my wife did that to a bunch of Bahraini women in Rashid mall and they were like: "Keefna, naby en6al3a". And they did continue to stare at both of us until I dragged my wife away.
    Why do Bahrainis do that huh?

  8. Anonymous11:59

    Lool... a7ssan shay you did, yeah even when you go abroad you know an arab when they start staring. Idiots... we should all start doing that.

  9. Staring...lol. I experienced that in Dubai. But this time, it was the men that were staring. Very creepy!

  10. LOOOOL! yes it is a big problem in Bahrain! every week when i go out with my friends to catch up .. we end up hushing each other coz the other table is listening to every word we say!!! they just sit there looking at us & listen! why don't they talk together? I blame the no. 1 entertainment in Bahrain: the TV...people are used to stare at the TV all day long , they don't walk , read or even talk! so even when they go out they expect entertainment from others

  11. anon; thank you. it felt good too, lol!

    princess; well, i hope ive given you some encouragement to get up and slap them next time :D

    msb; august? it was hot in may!

    anon1; lol. I usually ignore people but I just couldn't help it this time.

    anon2; mesakeen e7na, eheh

    missy; oh, you too?! well, I just changed the background so I hope it's 'easier' on your eyes now :p

    redbelt; loool... the nerve on some people huh? (me, for example)

    blue; i dunno dear. its like some sort of disease arabs have... its sorta sickening...

    confession; yes, their men are pretty creepy too!

    diva; haha, ok, thats a great explaination :D

  12. shoof ur advice is rather umm okkkk no no mako slapping!!

  13. hehe.. but you have to admit, sometimes you just feel like doing it :p

  14. Gotta love an audience. Means you can put on a show...

  15. Anonymous06:15

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. june; what sort of show? magic? dancing? strip?

    mochness; yeah, otherwise i'll break it for them! :D


    I like you! You MUST meet up with Moogle!

  18. lol
    u must have embarrassed the hell out of them!


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