12 September 2007

Breaking in Ramadan

The Holy month of Ramadan starts tommorow, but to break in the whole hunger-pain issue, i've decided to fast today starting today.

I made the decision at approximately 6:30am, and now, a little under 10 hours later, i'm sitting in the office craving every single type of food possible from Burger King burgers, to grilled fish, to pizza, to even brown bread with butter (ie, all the food items my lovely colleagues in the office decided to eat infront of me today). Ahh... Just another two hours to go!

Anyhow, I just wanted to wish all of you a happy Ramadan, and may its holiness be felt by you all :)

Embarak 3alakum el shahar!


  1. Ammar dear
    FYI, you cannot start fasting after the day started. Ya3ni it shouldn't be an after thought.
    You need to mean it first before sunrise.

  2. I'm not fasting today as part of a religious duty. I'm fasting, like I said, to break it in, lol. So just incase I starve and collapse, I can still eat if I really had to.

    Consider it a practice thing, if you will. Dammit. I would kill for a chocolate bar right now. And that burger king poster looks so ridiculously tasty...

  3. I like the way they promote their products.

  4. Doesn't it suck? Dammit, I think I have to fast this year

  5. tagabal allah 9yamak.. that was a good idea :P this whole week we were saying good bye to lunches, so we had everything from jereesh and margoog and pizza to mashawe and crepes and subs :P
    allah y3eeena 3ala dawam bokra..

  6. Embarak 3alaik el shahar...

  7. Anonymous19:08

    Ramadan Kareem! Wish you a great month.

  8. RE: "(ie, all the food items my lovely colleagues in the office decided to eat infront of me today)"

    Lol. I relate to you on that.

    Ramadan Kareem to you too :)!

  9. Anonymous22:27

    imbarak 3alaik il shahhaar =)

  10. 3sakom min 3wadeh inshalla
    lovely poster!!

  11. i hate ramadan

  12. flymenian; its pretty cool

    june; oh well! and you know whats really gonna suck for you? NO CIGS!

    foof; thats like the worst way, you are SO NOT USED TO IT and tommorow is going to be a little bit of hell for you :P

    ehsanbros/sous; thanks :)

    manutdfanatic; it sucks huh... dammit.. half of them dont fast during ramadan anyway, im going to have to get used to the office smelling like a cafeteria. dammit

    dynamite/q8ya/diva; thanks a lot :)

    amal; lol. meskeena :) well, try to make the most of it

  13. ma ab'3a ramadan!!
    (sta'3farallah ya rabbi la t3a8ebny)

  14. kil 3am O entu b5eyr!

  15. 3aliana ow 3laaaik =)

  16. Embarak 3alena o 3alek bro!

  17. Mbaarak 3alaik Elshahr, Ammar.

    May you find Ramadhan spiritual and filled with happiness and prosperity.

  18. Anonymous22:22

    Oh poor you! :( Well that just proves what a strong person you are! ;)

  19. the reason lost...


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