30 August 2007

Went for a Walk - 2

This post is a continuation of "Went for a Walk" (Click HERE if you haven't read it before). I'm going walking/jogging every two or three days or so, and decided to take a few more snaps yesterday. Sorry for the bad quality, it is a phone camera after all:

Busy traffic going into Manama, with Bahrain World Trade Center and the Financial Harbor looming in the background..

Bahrain World Trade Center, nearing completion..

The emerald green Financial Harbor buildings gleam in the sunlight..

A view from the corniche, with some kids playing on a profile model of Earth..

Work on Bahrain Bay and the remaining Bahrain Financial Harbor stages have managed to push this corniche pretty far inland. In some places, it doesn't even feel like you're walking by the sea any more..

Restricted? Really? Don't think I could enter even if I wanted to.

Hope you liked them :)


  1. Anonymous10:14

    Those are beautiful pictures! I always wanted to visit Bahrain but ok when living in Kuwait it didn’t sound as a real holiday to go house next door! :P

    But now with the F1 track I will for sure be visiting sometime in the next 2-5 years! At least before my Ice Man retires!!!

  2. amazing photos !! really nice

    one thing missing (not in the photos but in Bahrain) the sea is gone and never coming back :(

    and: you went for a walk in this heat?!! how many bottles of water did you finish !?

  3. nora; make sure to visit soon!

    bahraini diva; its not easy, but im finally losing weight :p too much sitting in the office all day and eating fast food hasn't been good to me :p

  4. Great pics, loving the BTC buidlings. Allah edeem el 5air 3al ba7rain wahalha.

  5. ya3ny since ur walking 2 min away from my office, give me a call, ill walk with u.

    none the less, u have to teach how to use a camera, those are some nice shots.

  6. switch camera on, press button.

    no seriously though, just visualize an image, with multi layers (close objects, far objects), imagine a frame, consider the right angle (especially considering where light falls on whatever objects youre shooting). Its a full process, I dunno. This is a really crappy camera phone; I don't carry my regular camera when running.

  7. Healthy all the way! Nice pix

  8. do you live near where I work? Or do you deliberately go drive over to take a walk on the corniche?

  9. I work in Ahli Bank in Seef; I usually go there after work.

  10. Anonymous17:31

    walking and swimming are the best sports of all..great job with the pix :)

  11. Nice photos...sad about the sea disappearing...

  12. Anonymous00:16

    Beautiful pics!
    Walk a mile everyday ... good for health !

  13. Anonymous00:37

    more power to you if you can manage walking in this heat! but definitely nice pics.. makes you think the weather is nice!

  14. Anonymous01:13

    nice shots bro...! :D

  15. Gr8 pics. First time for me to see any pic of Bahrain. Love the Financial Harbor buildings and the palm trees.

    You know what? you kinda inspiried me to go jogging/picture snapping tomorrow morning...naaaa on second thought it's too hot. Maybe in December ;p

  16. Anonymous17:14

    That's cool! Not bad for a phone camera :)
    Thanks for making me homesick .. again!!!

  17. Lovely pictures!

  18. Anonymous12:00

    Lots of memories... coming back soooooooooooooooooon insh'Allah! :D


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