1 August 2007


Elevators are fascinating objects. Its funny standing in an elevator when there are a bunch of other people around; everyone faces the front for some reason, like some sort of soldier, how come? Also, everyone seems to be trying to avoid eye contact, looking at the floor, their phone or their watch, and they're all quiet. Its really funny how extremely quiet people become; they try not to shuffle around or move just incase they make the smallest peep, that everyone will notice.

Today I walked into work, stood at the elevator waiting, and a few other people came. About 5 people were standing when the doors opened, we all crammed in. Everyone pressed a button except this guy who was on the far side of the elevator, and the door closed; since I was next to the buttons, I asked him which floor, and he mentioned in a very soft quiet voice "ahem.. um... 3rd.."

Lol. Thats just hillarious watching people turn into little insecure beings in an elevator. Next time i'll try doing something funny, like fart (or at least make a loud farting noise).

That should get some funny reactions.

Sorry, this post was useless, I know. I have no point.


  1. hehehe I have no idea how i got to your blog. But hey, LOVELY POST. Such thoughts are those that indicate that your mind is functioning creatively right ;)

    Lovely blog.

    -- Canc3riaN

  2. either functioning creatively, or i'm not keeping myself busy enough

  3. Having known Ammar for some time, I think he will always try to find out the smallest "Hole" in the life, and make a big story about it, in a very creative and unique way.

    Keep up the good work...

  4. that's cool... i have the same characteristic hehehe

  5. good to know im not the only 'really bored' person here

  6. Other things we do in a lift: catching glimpses of yourself and other people in the mirror whilst appearing to not look, honing your peripheral vision by staring at the door and actively trying to look at people around you, sharpening your listening skills by straining your ears to their maximum just trying to figure out what language those goddamn bankers are speaking (French usually... I was in the BNP building).

  7. COUGH and get your friend to ask you "so the doctor said it's not use then? it's definitely infectious but they won't give you time off work to get it fixed? And what about that rash?"

    and suddenly you will not be squeezed, but get ample room until you get to your floor with plenty of distance to enjoy yourself in!


  8. the worst is when you get someone smelly with you in a tight small elevator. it happened once, the guy smelt so bad his scent actually got stuck in the lift, and he reached his floor and got out. I kept going down till I reached the ground floor, and the door opens to reveal the two most gorgeous women i've ever seen on the face of the earth; they almost walked in, took a sniff of the scent and took a step back, and just giggled as they looked at me. Needless to say, that was one of the most embarrassing situations ever.


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