31 July 2007

Creative ways to make Money

Don't ever mention again that you don't "make enough" money. If you have half a brain, you could probably come up with a better idea than this to make money:

China seeks profit from panda poo

Mon Jul 30, 11:35 PM ET
BEIJING (Reuters) - A Chinese wildlife research centre has come up with a novel idea to profit from panda poo -- make Olympic souvenirs out of it.

Researchers at the centre in Chengdu, capital of mountainous Sichuan province, had sculpted photo frames, bookmarks, fans and panda statues out of the 300 tonnes of the stuff produced by 60 giant pandas each year, state media said on Tuesday.

Jing Shimin, assistant to the director of the base, proudly declared that the souvenirs would be relatively odour-free.

"They don't smell too bad because 70 percent of the dung is just remains of the bamboo that the pandas are unable to digest," he told Xinhua news agency.

"We used to spend at least 6,000 yuan (390 pounds) a month to get rid of the droppings, but now they can prove lucrative as half of them will be sold as souvenirs."

Not wishing to miss out on Olympic-inspired profits, the base is currently working on moulding the poop into statues of athletic pandas performing various Olympic sports to sell as 2008 Olympic Games souvenirs.

A Thai zoo already sells multicoloured paper made from the excrement of its two resident pandas.

Of course; why didn't I think of that first?

Let me turn this into an Arabian theme. I'm taking a few days off and going to look for camels...


  1. Anonymous18:29

    What a strange way to make money. I think those things are made fertilizers. Here are some ways to make easy money online.

  2. Hmm sounds like an idea. There's no limit to the type of poo one can use I think. Why restrict yourself to camels?

  3. Well lets consider taking this business strategy to the Arab region.

    Although we have an abundance of 'shit' in general (camel, donkey, homosapien etc), it clearly is in excess supply and hence is of no value. Value in this product is derived from the scarcity and potential extinction of the panda on the one hand, and the fact that bambo is quite a rough material even if it goes through a giant creature's digestive system on the other. Therefore copying this idea is pointless and in arab tradition, you would never have thought of it in a million years and you suck at copying it too cos you don't have panda's in the first place. However with all this excess liquidity, why bother coming up with money making ideas in the first place, just buy out the zoo through one of your private equity machines and hope u rake it in through other people's sweat and smart ideas.

    (i'm not addressing you when i say 'you')

  4. Three words I must say: I LOVE PANDAS!


  5. June; yes, we can become billionaires! I'll start the first corporation that turns animal poo into all sorts of objects; statues, plates, sandwiches...

    BB; True. I never thought of that. I guess we have enough to liquidity right now, the hell with just the zoo! Might as well buy china in the process!

    Can3: Sure. You might be the perfect target for this kind of venture! :)

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