25 July 2011

Arab World Unite

We've been working on this one for quite a while now; 8 different artists from around the Arab world on one track, talking about Arab Unity. It's been one hell of a project to get up and running, and it's all set now - check it out:

(If you're reading this through Facebook the video may not show; click here to go to the video directly)


"Arab World Unite" is a major call for UNITY.. Featuring Qusai from Saudi, Rush from Egypt, Balti from Tunisia, Ayzee from Saudi, Vico from Lebanon, Flipp from Bahrain, Murder Eyez from Syria, Timz from Iraq & Talal from Palestine.

Track produced by DJ Outlaw in collaboration with 2seas Records
Mixed and Mastered by: Adrian Augustin
Video Edited by: Ammaro Productions - www.ammaro.com
Colour Correction by: Frankie N. Films

Big Thanks goes to:

Universal Legends, Jeddah Fam, Run Junction, Hatem Abu Sitta, Ron Najor, Alvin Shamoun, Samir Cuhtait, Militia Mind Music, Mohammed Mohsen, Magdy Sharshafji, Big Change Recordz, Go Productions, Infinity ways, Shams.K, Ilyes.S

And whoever helped making this project a success.

Click here to download the MP3

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:48

    nice, love the unity concept, need it more thna ever right now


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