7 November 2010

Music Video: Flipp - Hold Up

Just finished work on the music video for Flipp's Hold Up; it's been a lot of work putting this whole thing together, but we got it down, repping Bahraini talent & repping our island! Check it out (click the video and go direct to YouTube and click 720 to view the whole thing in HD rather than the small res here on the page)

If you're reading this post direct from Facebook or some other feed and the video isn't showing up, the direct link for it is http://youtu.be/o4iBqToib28


  1. Anonymous14:15

    daaaaaaaaaaaamn wasssaaaapppp ba7raaaain ! thas what im talkin about! we dooin it!

  2. Khalid14:16

    great work, love the filming, editing, and the track is pretty good. love how it mixes arabic and english. great to see this come out of bahrain, keep up the great work!

  3. Anonymous10:33

    thats so bad ass! go bahrain!


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