22 August 2010

The Reason i'm Not Voting this Year


No seriously, this is the face of our Parliament? Are you kidding me? If its not a beard on their chin, its a 3mama on their head.

Where are the doctors, the engineers, the bankers, the teachers, the businessmen, who are supposed to give us a well rounded Parliament that represents all aspects of our developing economy? Why just the extremist religious nuts who have only enough education to think economy is just the cheaper option when buying a plane ticket?

God, another four years of legislation to do with banning anything not related to bringing us back to the 12th century? I'm so looking forward to this (please sense my sarcasm).

And then you ask why Bahrain is hardly moving forward?

Thanks to Mahmood for the image.


  1. Totally agree!

  2. يعني لو يفتحون الانتخابات في السعودية ما بتكون الصورة جذيه .. اللي يشوف يقول كلنا مطاوعيه ومتخرجين من الحوزة .. سلام الله علينا

  3. يعني لو يفتحون الانتخابات في السعودية ما بتكون الصورة جذيه .. اللي يشوف يقول كلنا مطاوعيه ومتخرجين من الحوزة .. سلام الله علينا

  4. ill play the devil's advocate here for a moment, and point out at first
    i do agree with you.

    why do people go and vote for the religious ones?, its always their belief that "certain groups of the society" want there own people in the Parliament, thinking that it is a struggle of power (each group wants to prove powerful over the other) and so they both vote for the "religious ones"

    and i do believe you all know what i mean ...
    in the end i will consider voting for those who deserve it
    not for a beard or a 3emama !

  5. Lol @ ur panel. Bit stuck for choice there. Looks like they took the entire Saudi PCPV or whatever they're called, and plunked them in the middle of Bahrain.. I feel sorry for ur tiny island. Soon they wont be selling 'virginity soap' anymore as it has something to do with intimate female bits.. Oh..

    BTW though, anyone who makes a movie about the last Vimto, I'll vote for.. So u have my vote!

  6. NO! NO! NO!

    Please tell me that this a dream, right not I'm seriously mad at this.

    What have these bearded and 3amama heads achieve in the last time they were elected?

  7. Anonymous15:58

    this is why i call it the satanic parliament


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