1 May 2009

Abandon Ship

What have we come to? Seriously, what has happened to our little island?

I've witnessed hotels get put out of business due to some stupid rules placed overnight by total blockheads at one of our ministries. I've seen the ridiculousness from our MP's over everything from plastic models in store windows, to trying to ban pork sales. I've even laughed at the concept of the authorities trying to block the internet (which can't be blocked).

I've seen a lot of rubbish come out of idiots in high places, who are so out of touch with reality that it's ridiculous. But what happened last night, was just.. Wow...

Preparations for the past month were ongoing for the biggest rock concert to ever hit Bahrain; Rage to the Extreme. Bands from all over the country, as well as bands from Saudi, UAE and Egypt would all come down for a full day of rock and metal music, and a competition to choose the top regional band. A full 10 hours of rock music, from 4pm-2am; definitely going to be a great one. The venue was booked, the bands arrived, the crowd arrived and everything was going PERFECTLY..

Until a few hours into the event, the CID decide to walk in and stop everything. Why?

Wait for it...




Over a t-shirt.

Yep. The police decided to come in and arrest a member of a band that just got up on stage, because he was wearing a t-shirt with a cartoon picture of the devil on it, and a quote saying "God's Busy, Can I Help You?"

And of course, during the course of arresting him, since everyone else was wearing black, the police assume the concert is a satanic ritual and decide to close it down, and tell everyone to wear their t-shirts inside out (to cover all 'satanic' images).

A t-shirt guys? You closed down a whole rock concert, one that brought people from all over the gulf to one place, to do something that hasn't been done before in this region, over a t-shirt? And I mean i'd be more inclined to consider this if it was actually offensive; this t-shirt was supposed to be funny, but I don't get how a bunch of uneducated idiot CID/Policemen who can't even speak English properly are supposed to understand this or how to even begin explaining it to them: "Helloooo, make funny joke, god busy, me can help you? No Broblem only making funny. Haha? NO? NO BITCHES DON'T YOU F**ING GET IT!?"

And then the authorities keep trying to portray Bahrain as 'the destination' for business, innovation, etc. Yeah, that's not happening. Not until we wipe out half of the people in charge and replace them with people who know the difference between the letter P and letter B.

My head hurts. I apologize to anyone and everyone who came to enjoy a day of music and was turned away. I especially apologize to those who came all the way from UAE, Saudi and Egypt. I apologize on behalf of Bahrain; this country is sooo going down the drain guys. Time to abandon ship.


  1. WOWza! How'd all that happen over a silly casual carefree humourous T-shirt? Oh! hang on! you making this up? Is this an 'Ammaro joke' or something :)?

  2. No dude I'm totally for real..

  3. I just read about it on Gulf News on-line. A shame indeed and it's sooooooooooooooooo silly. But then again, an Aussie in Dubai, was jailed for 24 days, lost his job. His wife had to give up their apartment and pet dog - and the couple were deported back to Aussie land 'cause the guy flipped the bird to an Emi (with Armed forces).

    As per UAE law, if you show the proverbial finger, you shall be deported.

  4. Yep, I can relate to that.. But again even though its an extreme punishment, that was unaccidental aggression towards a local in authority, and we all know how that's taken.

    This situation, everyone was trying to play it careful, yes these idiots come in and decide to shut it all down, over a t shirt that was bought IN Bahrain.. And claiming the crowds were all satanic etc..

    I'm personally taking this case to heart and doing something about it. Just wait and see..

  5. Anonymous10:08

    There are issues, serious issues in the world, like people being killed, internally displaced people, sectarian riots, properties being burnt by some anarchist... and all you take to your heart is a stupid concert!

    omg! this proves all.. we all have limited ourselves to those tiny circles and we don't plan to get us out of them... I'm sorry if I seem some crazy person to you, but I don't know there are people around the world and specially in our own world... the muslim world..
    There are things which are soo heart wrenching and all we care about is our pooches and our little temporary joys and concerts and money that we've spent on buying those tickets and those "cool" shirts and our precious hobbies...
    i'm sorry.. but at times the bitterness that we feel has to come out someway or the other... and unfortunately it happened to be your blog this time...

  6. Well you obviously don't look at the bigger picture. This isn't about a t shirt or a concert, its about a country with liberal tendancies blocking things under the name of 'religion and decency', then wondering why investments into it are dying, and its reputation is being destoryed as an open and friendly environment for business and pleasure.

    As for your other issues of people dying and being displaced etc, I understand your concern, but perhaps you should write about them if theyre so relevant to you rather than complain on my blog that I haven't done 'my part'. Oh, and maybe you should go through my backlog of 500+ posts before assuming I'm as superficial as u think

  7. Anonymous13:07

    well a country being "liberal" and all the "investment" going down the drain in the name of "decency and religion"...

    and me not seeing the bigger picture... oh well.. you can say that. What can I say, I live in my own limited circles.

    I'm sorry if I called you "superficial"... and didn't had a go at your already 500+ posts where you have been profound.

    plus I'm not saying that you didn't do your part, I'm just saying... let me quote someone else ,
    "I cried because I had no shoes,
    but then I saw a man who had no feet."(Sheikh Sa'adi)

    WE or I... I fail to see beyond my limited circles.

  8. My blog isn't a cause (a lost one at that) talking about dying and starving ppl. There's a lot of that rubbish out on the internet, if you wanna read about that just google it. My blog deals with superficial issues and ridiculing the Bahraini authorities.

  9. As in are you SERIOUS!?!?! They took ridiculous to a whole new level! What happened to telling the guy wearing the tee to take it off? But closing down a whole concert? People paid money-flight, hotel, insurance e.t.c. to be there. That was unfair to be honest. And their I was thinking I mght just relocate to Bahrain or Qatar...hmmmm.

    Long time mate! How you doing?

  10. Man it is alright , take it easy, I feel sorry for people who paid to make it all happen.

    This is sad really sad, I wonder when are we going to develop as a country?

    I guess never if nothing is done to stop such idiocy.

  11. Mr Ammaro - all said, you guys have a LOVELY home. Its future depend on men like you. Please, ride through this storm. Please, do not abandon ship, 'cause you guys are her best hope. Things shall be fine.

  12. i'll just clap my hands in fuming mockery.

    p.s. - love your blog mr. amarro.

  13. Anonymous05:42

    On behalf of all Satan worshiper, I advice all young people there to were this teeshirt. Good luck arresting everybody :D

    Yes, it is very dumb. Courage!

  14. LOL.. "the difference between P and B".. LOL CLASSIC!

    Tell them to get real jobs! Instead of trying to make unnecessary jobs up!

  15. Anonymous15:13

    There should be T-shirts available with MPs on it saying "Your Parent Busy : Let me guide your life for you!"


    Where do these MPs get their info from? A 60's American Manual on 'Devils' Music Rock n Roll?


  16. Why do they take things so literally? If I wore a Bob Marley T-shirt, would they arrest me for shooting the sheriff? CID = Completely Idiotic Dimwits.

  17. That's how it's going over this God damned country. You don't find any aspect of liberaty, poor thing. Sometimes I feel I'm stuck here.

    I actually planned to go to that concert but couldn't make it, that's why I'd rather travel to Dubai for the concerts their.

    Let this land sink.

  18. That's how it's going over this God damned country. You don't find any aspect of liberaty, poor thing. Sometimes I feel I'm stuck here.

    I actually planned to go to that concert but couldn't make it, that's why I'd rather travel to Dubai for the concerts their.

    Let this land sink.

  19. That's how it's going over this God damned country. You don't find any aspect of liberaty, poor thing. Sometimes I feel I'm stuck here.

    I actually planned to go to that concert but couldn't make it, that's why I'd rather travel to Dubai for the concerts their.

    Let this land sink.

  20. I haven't been to Bahrain in a long time and I was actually planning a trip there for the next few weekends. SCRAP. I'm not going to Bahrain. Forget it.

    What is happening in the Gulf? Dubai is getting too conservative, Bahrain... the verdict is out on Kuwait until we see what the new parliament is like. I'm thinkin Qatar....

  21. I don't agree with the whole concept of the T-Shirt!!!

    SHENO YA3NI GOD in BUSY???!!!
    bs ham ma kan la da3i kel hal propaganda!!!

    3ala 6ari el t-shirt 3endina o 3endkom 5air bs ana salfiti te8har akthar... let me share with u el ta5aloof my dear!!!....

    I am taking a photography course hal semester, i had a movement assignmnet o kan lazem a9awer photos fehom 7araka.the thing is I went to marina court (Kuwait) if you know where i mean, he play yard feha mal3ab sala with mani guys playing there...3ad allah yesalmik, it was night and i had to use my tripod since am not using flash , o kel el ta9weer manual...3ad ya 6weel el 3moor i asked the guys if they mind me photographing them and they were more then welcome...el mohem ...ana 8e3at a9awer o 7adi mendamja bel mood walla mara wa7ad ashoof yami THREE security THREE mo wa7ed...o y8oolon li plz la t9awreeen..mamnoo3 wain ur ta9ree7..and i was like what the hell..!!!..ka fee wa7ed a kid waray masek camera combaq sony o 6aye7 la ta9weeer bs le2ana shafaw el tripod e5tar3aw..ay shay 9a7??!!!malyooan wa7ed o wa7da are holding cameras in marina o y9awroon..its even outside the mall..bs cuz am using tripod la2, ma y9eeer????!!!!!

    walla tawni adri be el erhabiyeen o este5barat are using tripod :P!!!

    anyways..!!! shar al baliya ma ye'97ek..smile baby smile!!!

  22. Anonymous06:22

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    - Laura

  23. Anonymous02:21

    why not:)


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