5 March 2009

Innocent Boners

Back in the day, general vocabulary was more innocent. Swearing wasn't used as frequently, and TV/Radio shows were hesitant to put any sort of cussing in them.

Not so nowadays; it seems every third word we hear is a swearword, whether we're watching a TV show, walking around in a shopping mall, strolling next to a nursery (what?).

But seriously, vocabulary has changed. Things that sounded innocent back in the day, now mean something else. A great example is the Flinstones theme song; "we'll have a gay ol' time". You can't say that out loud in a public space today without getting a few raised eyebrows, looks of hatred, and a protester or two come up to you.

Another great example is the comic industry; what seemed innocent back then is apparently not nowadays. Here's a Batman comic from back in the 60's, and the Joker is obviously not very pleased with his performance. Enjoy:

Seriously though, what's a boner?


  1. Anonymous05:49

    According to the Mac dictionary:

    1. (informal) a stupid mistake.
    2. (vulgar slang) an erection of the penis.

    Probably the first one.

  2. aha, so the joker probably did make a boner...

  3. Anonymous17:36

    oh crap hahahaha thats hilarious!

  4. Hahahaha. seriously; what's a boner.
    you just made my day. Thank you.

  5. I remember reading about this one too. I heard they don't reprint this issue because of that 'Boner'.

    There was a character named "Boner" in some 80s sitcom too, if I recall

  6. hmm i would give u looks of hatred itha u said we'll have a gay old time :p say it 3adi

  7. lol! c'mon bro you know better! :)

  8. Anonymous20:53

    Hopefully the site is not censored.

  9. Anonymous22:10

    Lol @ "3adi" :D

  10. ... a chinese election...

  11. Anonymous08:58

    The author of www.ammaro.com has written an excellent article. You have made your point and there is not much to argue about. It is like the following universal truth that you can not argue with: When annoying people do something often you will eventually find this activity annoying as well. Thanks for the info.


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