27 January 2009

The Real Reason Behind the Website Ban

Remember the Matrix? Remember how the whole world you lived in, which you believed was real, was in fact completely made up? Just a mirage?

That's probably what the internet is in Bahrain. The internet was all a mirage created by the Bahrain government, to let you think that you're connecting to the outside world, when in reality we are kept very isolated from everything and everyone else. All the sites you've ever visited were set up by creative individuals in the Ministry of Information; every single one. There's a guy who writes the CNN website, and makes up the world news, another guy who writes the BBC website. It's sort of obvious that they're sitting next to each other when doing this; the news is almost exactly the same on both sites...

Then there are the global forums; the government obviously pays people to sit all day and just reply under multiple nicknames, to give us Bahrainis an impression that we are talking to the outside world.

Google, Facebook, YouTube? Yup, you guessed it, all created here. Some of the videos are purchased from other countries and uploaded to the YouTube servers right next to the Bahrain TV studios.

This whole internet thing has been fabricated in Bahrain, in the back offices of Batelco by their chief engineers; it doesn't exist outside the country, it's all one big facade. Imagine leaving the country one day, flying to another country, checking into a hotel and asking if they have internet, only to be replied with the words: "Interwha'? What's that?"

We've been living a lie. The new website bans aren't really websites being 'blocked'. It's actually a side effect from the Global Credit Crunch, where the Ministry has had to fire a large number of employees because of a shortage of funds, and couldn't sustain as many websites as it used to. Therefore the ban.

Very simple.


  1. Anonymous16:06

    so much for business friendly bahrain.


  2. Anonymous18:54

    Look, whatever you say Sir! I completely refuse to believe that "Architect" can be a Bahraini!

  3. Anonymous23:44

    the "Architect" was given the Bahraini passport, Oh well ...

    ammaro that cracked me up mate !


  4. Anonymous02:19

    so scary !
    so funny ..

    but very creative post ..

    Well imagine what will happen if that was true ??!

    that our entire life which based on the net! currently is a lie !


  5. Anonymous10:53

    i wana know the fu**ken employee who keep spam my blog.

  6. hi there, yes you're right. I was paid by your government to make comments on your blog. lol.

  7. I suspected this all along!

  8. Anonymous09:50

    hey, this is too funny for a techie like me to digest. Ofcourse its not practical to recreate a bahrain version of these said websites. thats a big joke. however what is true perhaps is that many sites are banned in bahrain recently. so sensorship is true but imitation websites is a fiction story for the next hollywood movie.

  9. Anonymous18:58

    heheh cool! but it makes sense i suppose!!!

  10. Haha awesome! UAE must be in on the scam though, as we have internet thingy too!


  11. Anonymous17:41

    Bahrain isn't that advanced to create another copy of the internet xD!

    That was a good laugh though :P

  12. Anonymous16:04

    And I though they were Chinese, asw I have been told in Beijing! Oh well :-)

    I can see the cynism behind this post...

  13. Anonymous00:25

    Like the story...very creative! (i just recently started lurking your blog)

  14. Anonymous06:58

    Something like The truman's life!!!! Liked the post!!!! But i'm hoping that it's not true, cause i'm moving to Bahrain in June!!!! Good to know that there are people into cinema overthere!

    Carol from Brazil (caroline_sq@hotmail.com)


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