13 June 2008

How to/not to take care of your baby

In the news over the past few weeks, there have been a number of cases where parents accidentally caused their baby children injury, harm, or even death. Although seemingly an obvious task, taking care of a baby is a huge responsibility. Here we will go over a few basic guidelines on what and what not to do when you do have to take care of a baby:

Follow these guidelines, and stay safe!


  1. Anonymous05:50

    haha who doesn't follow anyway? yeah ..maybe you!! lolz

  2. lol thats hilareous...

  3. LOL. I have a younger brother (12 years younger) that has serious problems. Where were these pictures when I needed them!

  4. Why is playing chess with the kid a bad idea! What if she's smart!

    And throwing the baby, come on, everyone (used to) does that!

  5. Oh, man these are funny. You have me laughing at the pics while typing this!

  6. Hmmm..makes me wonder how ppl come up with this stuff!!!! I wonder what idiot has actually done the "wrong" things!! Scary!!

  7. I think people should go through screening before they can have kids...I'd definitely be one of those people that just won't pass the screening.

  8. Anonymous03:51

    I wouldn't have guessed! Thanks for the brush-up :D

  9. Where were you when my kids were babies? Now you tell me this! ;)

  10. Anonymous08:36

    Sounds like you're about to shoot triplets outta your arse :P

    Ps. The anon comment = me. Forgot to fill up the lil form at the btm.
    Pss. I have a freggin exam in a few hours and I'm reading about stupid babies cracking their heads. Gosh.

  11. I have actually seen people feeding kids some sort of rice with minced meat!!! OMG!

  12. As I'm expecting my first born, this info comes at a crucial time. Thanks.

  13. hehehehe i think waking up the baby with an air horn can be funny as hell hehe

  14. lool i think i should have those printed out XD

  15. Anonymous15:55

    looooool i love the last one!!;p

  16. loooool

    thats ill make a note of that!

  17. Anonymous08:58

    the "fun games for baby" is the most hilarious. hahaha!

  18. Anonymous16:48

    loool ! good one !

  19. Hahahahhaahhaay ok il yoom maly khilg ath7ak but that was so funny ammaro :pPp
    I liked the 2nd the most LOL

    Who would Carry a baby from his head hehehehehe

  20. Thank you for the advice :D

  21. How many babies does it take to paint a shed?

    It depends on how hard you throw them.

  22. Errmmm....does this mean *someone* is gonna be a papa soon? :) If so, fingers crossed and all the luck and prayers :)


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