31 May 2008

Isolated from the World

In today's world, it feels like everyone is connected. Television, books, magazines and newspapers tell us about things that are happening on the other side of the world. Radio speaks to us, letting us know about other parts of our town, country, region or planet. The Internet has made it natural for us to go out there and get in touch with anyone we wish to, freely, or get information on other countries, other people, other habits and customs.

Even if we did not have direct access to these resources, as some poorer families in less developed countries might, some of them are still available. Not necessarily the more developed technological ones, but lets say radio, or even books and magazines. Everyone around the world knows about them, and has a familiarity with the existence of different people around the globe, each with different habits, customs, foods, and so on. Stories and news tell us, and so we know.

Planet Earth has become a small place. No matter where you are on the world, you can somehow get information, or get in touch with the rest of the planet. Right?

Wrong. Imagine a civilization of people completely separated, completely isolated from the rest of the world? People who have never ever heard of newspapers and books, and can't even comprehend the concept of television and the internet? People who have no idea what electricity is. People who lived their lives in isolated communities, so out of touch with the rest of the world that their lifestyles actually resemble those of people who lived thousands of years ago?

Hard to believe? Take a look; these photos were taken by plane of a tribe hidden deep in the Amazon jungle:

The sight spotted was of strong & healthy 'warriors', as well as women and children, living in man-made huts. The plane passed by a second time after spotting them, but by then most of the women and children had ran away, while those who remained had painted their bodies, and started firing their weapons (bows & arrows) at the plane:

Hard to believe that in a world so interconnected, there lies a completely different world hidden in between it. The thickness and deepness of the Amazon jungle has obviously restricted them from being able to freely discover outside their isolated area, and so no modern-human contact has ever been made, probably for hundereds and thousands of years. These tribes obviously have no idea of the existence of all that you and I take for granted each day. Electricity, modern medicine, technology, McDonalds, and so on and so on. Seems that the concept of a plane is also foreign to them; probably accepting it as some sort of flying genie or monster.

Even with a discovery like this, you obviously cannot take them out of their current habitat, as it would not be possible for them to cope with a change to the modern world (read; brain meltdown). It feels very 'Lord of the Flies'esque, and would actually be easier to comprehend if it was a sick and twisted experiment by some mad scientist who placed them there from birth to see how they would cope.

But wow. It's still got me thinking, wondering. How do these people think? What sort of mindsets do they have? Are their actions still based on prime instinct? What sort of philosophies and ideas have they developed? Languages?

It's totally fascinating just thinking about it, so I wonder what it would be like to actually get in touch with these people for real. I'm sure whatever it is that they present, it could feel like something out of a complete other world...

BBC World Article Link


  1. At the base of it all they probably think very much like we do: for the most part logically.

    Course if you just showed up out of nowhere they'd be startled and a bit scared, like any of us would be if aliens visited. I wouldn't recommend a trip to their tribe :)

  2. I think they are fascinating as well... to think that in this time there is still people living in their pure prime instincts no complications of the new modern civilization with its twisted turns... every thing is pure like they way when you were born... simple needs and simple pleasures away from blackberry’s sending e mails in the middle of the night or that we need to take vacations to be away from it all which in this day and age we are expected to be available and reachable 24/7.. No... imagine they live for basic needs... Do you think they are happier or are we happier? us who live in this complicated world on ultra connectivity and lost our pure instincts with the entire world buzzing in our ears all the time...

  3. Yeah it is quite amusing and strange. Remember, expansion and intercultural activities happened because of some personal gain. I'm sure the *white man* missed them somehow..

    pardon for being too.. ...

  4. that's some crazy shit, gives me goosebumps just thinking about it.

  5. This is so creepy!!!!
    I'M SHOCKED :|

  6. We really are lucky arent we?

    Its amazing to think that there are so many tribal communities out there, that no nothing of our way of life.

    I wonder how they wud react to our lifestyles, technology and so many other things...... obviousely by seeing their reaction to the "flying metal monster"- it wud be overwhelming!

    You have got me to thinkin now....and not many people can do that!! :P

    Thanks for a great post :)

  7. Anonymous06:32

    I love the way we are all connected... I feel like I have the world in my hands.

    Yet, I sometimes resent globalization. There are quite a few places "untouched" on earth and I hope to get to know them before it's too late.

  8. They appear to be fairly hostile to strange things in their midst...so if you have any questions for them...I suggest you ask them quick...lol. Might not have very much time to feed your curiosity...ha ha!

  9. Anonymous11:42

    Give this a read: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pirah%C3%A3_language

    These people have had modern-human contact but they still have no words for colors or numbers. They cant count...

  10. Anonymous13:45

    Do they have riots too?

  11. Good Luck


  12. Anonymous10:22

    I hope they are left alone.... also Indian islands of Andaman has some islands which is a no go place because of aborigin tribes like these ...

  13. Fascinating

    Its somehow refreshing to think that there are still places in the world that have not been effected or evolved by civilisation and globalisation.

    I wonder as to their social evolutionism since as mentioned they do seem hostile.

  14. It worries me that I relate to you, even though you are so obviously a spoiled brat.

  15. woozie; i'm not looking forward to the visit either. i don't think they've invented deodrant

    lilliy; good chance they actually did discover our world, saw the mess we created, and decided it would be better to go back into isolation....

    n; you are pardoned. don't worry, nothing is taboo here!

    seroo; yeah, its freaky. wanna go pay them a visit?

    oreo; could be the basis for a new movie...

    nonowa; its definately nuts. imagine dropping one of them into the middle of times square in new york... lol... just for fun you know hehe...

    zhu; globalization has it's benefits and its negatives... but then, im suprised this place hasn't even been touched before... wow...

    coolred; maybe if i offered them some apples first?

    abid; pretty interesting stuff, thanks!

    anon; depends. do they have a government?

    mj; haha, ok, i'll consider it!

    grey; maybe that explains the TV series LOST.

    wardat; they're just like the rest of us, they fear the unknown. see the movie Independance Day, for example. Same thing, but instead we're the tribe.

    shale; dude, i wish i was a spoiled brat. life would be so much easier.

  16. You are not the only one.

  17. Anonymous12:16

    this was the best hoax ...as per todays news ...

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