17 April 2008

Bye bye, social life

Yup, I got an Xbox 360; which probably means my social life is going to be handicapped for a while (as has happened to all the other people who got Xboxes before me).

So yeah, the console is sitting here infront of me, and it took me quite a bit of self-restraint to stop playing and write a post about it instead. Anyhow; last time I owned a video game was back around 1993/1994, when I had a Sega Mega Drive. Things have evolved quite a bit since then. For starters, this joystick has 19 buttons, and two directional sticks. Err...

Anyway, i'm getting the hang of it, slowly, and sooner or later i'll be playing online with every other soul whose lost their social life to this disease. It is fun though. If you notice me not writing as much these days (or at all), you know the reason!

(Games list so far; Gears of War, Halo 3, Forza Racing, Virtua Fighter and Army of Two)


  1. Xbox? hahaha! how old r u big baby? :P

  2. i must say, i am so proud to be part of the prime species

  3. Anonymous21:25

    Be careful not to spend too much time playing....

  4. I thought you were married! How did your wife agree for you to get one of those?

  5. oh maan lol sij say goodbye to your social life, and get Call of Duty 4, this game is REALLY addictive (I'm not an XBox fan, but I know an addict).

  6. You made a most excellent choice!

  7. Anonymous18:49

    Blog from work :)

  8. Congrats Ammar! Have fun man.
    Oh, and for anyone how doesn't like him playing games, guess which finger I'm holding up.

  9. Call of Duty 4 and The Orange Box, you MUST buy them. Also recommended are Bioshock and Saint's Row.

  10. Ah I too was a hardcore gamer but haven't been in the "scene" for the past 6-7 years, maybe one day i'll be back to too!

    Enjoy it!

  11. Anonymous15:32

    Freakin awesome dude .. your gonna enjoy Gears of War :) Try and get rock band ... i think you will enjoy it!!

  12. well most of your game list is jus like mine ;)
    enjoy them;)

    BTW I've ordered GTA 4
    gona let ya know bout it


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