8 April 2008

Bahrain F1 Race Day (and more on Finding George Lucas!)

Wow, what a weekend that was! Race day saw the biggest gathering of people yet at the Bahrain International Circuit, with a crowd of almost 43,000. I'll let the photos do most of the talking (click each one for large size):

A bunch of interesting characters around:

Some cool dance, music and art performances:

Flag displays with the national anthem a little before the race:

And the seats start filling up a few minutes before the race, as the cars start lining up as a plane flies above the circuit, then they're off!

And the crowds after the race is over; this is what 43,000 people look like all at once :p

Overall, a good race as Massa took the lead, a great day with everybody having lots of fun, and I managed to top it off with an after party hosted by Akon, then an after-after party hanging out with Akon, his crew and a bunch of DJ's. Got back home at 6:00am. Beautiful; feels like i'm 17 again! :D

If you read my previous post on George Lucas, you probably know I got a little disappointed not managing to see him :( But guess what, going through my photos today, I realize I did!

Take a look at the crowd taking a stroll through the pit-lane in the top right?

And zooming in, guess who??

Dammit! I was THIS close to him and didn't even realize! Oh well, maybe i'll catch him next year! :)


  1. Wonderful photo sharing Ammar and I love the vibrancy that is going on out there :D

  2. Man those are awesome shots! The girls in red are awesome hahaha ;)

    7aram you didn't see Lucas... I wanted you to take him out :P

  3. Anonymous15:57

    aaaaaaaah.. you missed him!!
    you'll have to wait again

  4. I didn't see you there!
    BTW, who is this Lucas guy you are talking about?

  5. Anonymous22:28

    Looked like there were a lot of people! Funny you can see all styles here, Western clothes, some more "middle eastern" etc.

    Love the shots of the cars... I can just imagine the speed!

  6. Anonymous22:32

    Is it over?

  7. Great find on Lucas. The man is speed-racing freak.

  8. how in the world could u find him in the middle of all that people?? Impressive...did u doctor up this pic??!?!?!?

  9. hey my aunt and cousins went to this!


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