3 March 2008

The Package (2008)


The movie is supposed to be 2 minutes long, and that took around half an hour of footage. To get that footage needed around 6 hours of filming. And to put it all together took two whole days of editing, and me staying up till 4:00am last night... Blaaaah i'm so tired...

Anyway, hope you guys enjoy it; we were supposed to have a total crew of 6 people filming and acting and so on, but because 4 of them decided they were too busy, we ended up as two people, me and Basharo. He does the main character acting, I do everything else from directing to filming to etc etc :p

But honestly though, a lot of fun, some very very corny lines (GUARD IT WITH YOUR LIFE etc), and overall a good laugh...

The movie was basically for a short movie competion by MBC, and we had to squeeze everything into two minutes (that's why we cut some of the scenes short, and the whole thing sorta moves very quick). If you like it and want to help the cause, head over to MBC Movies in Motion, sign up and GIVE THE MOVIE 5 OUT OF 5.

Oscars, here I come!

(For my other video productions, please click here)


  1. Anonymous11:15

    I cant watch it!! its not appearing...is there something with the movie or am I behind firewall??

  2. errr... are you behind a firewall? maybe youtube is blocked where you are...?

  3. HAHA, aya 3alaik 3amaro, nice effort man.

    yalla do the next one, should be good.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. That was pretty good, and I'm not making that up because I know you.

    The movie really kicked in for you with editing with the car chase. You have some skill there with the speeding stuff.

    Plus, you kept the shaky cam to a minimal, which is something Bay hasn't learned yet.

    There's some good work here, keep it up. (ever tried making a music video from one of your musical friends?)

    That was fun.

  6. Hahah! So this is why you couldn't make it to the bloggers' meeting the other day, huh? :) Very cool :)

    I still wonder about what was really inside the package.

  7. lol...nice job! n_n

  8. Anonymous14:46

    Loool! alot of ammaro's!


    Interesting... good luck with the next job i hope it better than this one ;p-

  9. love the car chase lol! good job man ;-)

  10. Anonymous16:17

    Ammaro ! You rock man ! and everything else as well !ha ha ! awesome !

  11. Anonymous16:42

    It says:
    We're sorry, this video is no longer available!
    And no Youtube is not blocked in France!

  12. WOW - neat stuff bro, that was quite good :)

  13. Anonymous23:07

    Cooool :D I must say the editing is really good. Kudos for u all... i mean 4 u two :p

    Nice credits hehe ;-)

  14. Anonymous23:13

    by the way, 'the less Qs u ask, the better' nice trick...

    but come now, what's really inside the package?!!?

  15. It was so romantic. It was beautiful. I am crying.

  16. Anonymous00:52

    Leaving the needless polite compliments, I've found it tacky and unsurprisingly pointless..


    Don't you wind up the peanut i have in my head for a brain, and just tell me what was in that suitcase.

    or else....(with the index finger pointed at the monitor)....

  18. wow, that was really cool...i was impressed..except for the part where he burns rubber, i can see ur head (eerr the shadow of ur head, a bit too close u where)...so what was in the package?? was the guy the package??
    the guy was the package, right? he had to carry the package so that the killer would know who the package was....aaaah EXCELENTE MI AMIGO!!


  19. lol
    aham shay whos the man!

    imwafag inshallah

  20. lol you were almost everybody!
    nice video!

    ...what was in the package?

    AMMARO!! Luved it when the action part started + the music.. But, and i'd hate to be a critict but i'll take my chances :P Basharo was hit from the back, why'd he put his hand on his cheast? Might i add that MBC mabde it hard when they asked for 2 min movies, but urs seemed fun ;)

    shway shway, hollywood bdt t5af mennik ;p

  22. Anonymous04:34

    Can't see the film. YouTube says it's been deleted.

  23. You reminded me of my uni days filming *sigh*

    I know what was in the package... a laptop!

    either that or a dead cat with a soggy whopper in her mouth


    Great job man!

    Just two comments:

    - The lighting in the meeting room at the beginning could have been more dramatic by fixing in some spotlights.
    - You should have put a Nintendo Wii in the bag LMAO

  25. damit what the heck was the package???
    But this cool I love the shooting scene!

  26. eyad; haha, well think about it

    semaj; yeah, im gonna do a music video soon too ;)

    hasan; yep, thats what kept me busy!

    boy_z3; glad u liked it

    skinny; nope, just the one ammaro :p

    buzzerk; thanks dude, that was a headache to get right, especially with just 2 people!

    grey; no, you rock! lol

    blueice; wierd, everyone else can see it?

    rosh; thanks

    moonlight; if i tell you, id have to kill you! :P

    shale; feeling all emotional, are we? well, youre gonna melt at the next romantic movie

  27. anon; thanks, and I know because your movie is so much better than mine. your movie? oh wait, do you have a movie? no? so i guess tacky and pointless is better than useless loser hiding under anon nicknames ;)

    flymenian; no, no no! how can i do a sequel if i tell you whats inside?

    cest; errr... dont confuse yourself too much. youre confusing me in the process.

    eshda3wa; im the man! :D

    jaycam; stop asking guys!

    foof; because the bullet went through his chest! :p

    abid; double click the video and check it from the youtube page directly?

    yacoub; no laptop. and no cats, or whoppers. its secret. wait for part 2 ;p

    kj; yeah, i figured that out after we filmed and all and i couldnt be assed to do it again


  28. el nehaya ba6at chabdi..

    Typical muscular :P

    Wish you all luck !!

  29. ooo oooo 7arakat ammaro and basharooo... congrats on doing this and hopefully the oscars in the comming years !!!

  30. I was hooked on the suspense, but felt let down by the ending... is there a sequel.. the package II?

  31. I watched it when you first posted it, great job!

  32. That was funny, haha, really laughed out loud at 'Whos the man'

    Great job Ammaro!

  33. hehehe.. funny.. couldn't you find a nicer bag though.. a bag worth getting killed for since we don't know whats the package..!! ;)

  34. haha, well, you don't know what it's in the bag, so do you really know whether it is or isnt worth getting killed for? :p

  35. What's in the package???


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