11 March 2008

MacBook Air makes life Difficult

If you don't already know, security in American airports is a bit of a hassle. Besides the regular metal scanners and baggage through x-ray machines, they make you remove your shoes and scan them (very smelly), not carry any liquids (besides a teeny weeny amount which has to be in some sort of transparent container), and take out your laptops to be checked and scanned too. Yep, travel in the States isn't really that much fun anymore.

To add insult to injury, placing stupid airport staff to check your stuff is not the greatest idea. A man who bought a spankin' new MacBook Air and decided to travel, missed his flight because the airport employee wouldn't believe that the Air was, infact, a real laptop. Obviously, sneaking in a metal slab of aluminium with no hard drive, and no ports does seem sort of suspicious. And he was kept there and investigated while his flight took off. Lovely. Original Story

So there you go, ladies and gentlemen. The ultimate proof that Apple products do, infact, make your life more difficult. And don't even get me started on iTunes.


  1. I hate the TSA so much...they don't even do their jobs. In 2005 we (accidentally) got a knife and a lighter by their security checkpoints four times. Biggest waste of taxpayer money since the Department of Homeland Security.

    I hate the TSA.

  2. Oh Apple! I worship at their altar! And I love the new MacBook Air. I can sell one of my kidney's just to get one of those. Can't you see how sexy it is? How can such beauty make life difficult?

  3. I agree that it looks amazingly cool and all..... and yes it does look sexy as moody crab said.... but I also have to agree that Mac is complicated!!!!

    and let me repeat Ammaro's last words "Don't even get me started on iTunes"!!!

    " el zain ma yekmel" as we say in araic.... mac is sexy ... but not convenient, at least not for me personally.

  4. Anonymous20:56

    I still believe in Apple !!

  5. Me no like apple..

  6. as for taking ur shoes off during the inspection... they made everyone do tat in dubai... >( A-Holes..

  7. iTunes... is... *urks*... the Apple's version of Shitsa!

  8. Anonymous07:41

    "but I also have to agree that Mac is complicated!!!!"

    Just buy a Mac, and you will learn the OS in about a month. It will be second nature. Obviously there's a difference, but it's not as great as you think!

  9. http://howto.wired.com/wiki/Fly_Through_Airport_Security

    Oh and Linux FTW

  10. What great free advertising!

  11. I know what you mean and when my kids asked me why must take out shoes..I literally have to whisper to them coz they wanted to scan for b......, anyway, cool laptop indeed.

  12. woozie; accidentally my ass! accidentally 4 times? terrorist!

    moody; how? err.. i think i just posted up an example

    cancerian; their OS is good. everything else sucks

    icon; sure, so do i! i beleiev they suck!

    shoaib; really? haha, where was the flight to?

    KJ; iHate iTunes

    abid; they make a perfectly fine OS. its their procedures and trying to lock everything so people dont steal shit and charging tonnes for what is essentially stripped out laptops

    redbelt; interesting

    shale; yeah, maybe it was a plot

    shionge; dont even say that word in an airport! otherwise you wont get home!


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