10 February 2008

Shoulda Been a Kodak Moment

So i'm standing in line at Hardees (Fast-food joint; think one step up above Mcdonalds), and ordering. Right behind me are three 20-something girls, all dressed up and so on.

I finish ordering, step aside and give them room to order. One of them has a seriously big butt. I don't mean big ugly, I mean big as in nice. Still, I avoid staring.

I turn away and see the guy sitting at the table behind us. Probably in his forties, sitting alone on a table, facing the counter. Facing the girl's butt. Holding a huge burger with two hands and biting into it. Staring.


Biting into the burger again. Still staring. His eyes never move off the booty.

Staring. A bit of mayonnaise has splurged on the side of his mouth now. Disgusting. He's still staring. Eyes huge, wide open. Staring like he's watching the final deciding goal of the World Cup.

Totally hilarious scene. I'm so disappointed I didn't take a photo of that.


  1. Anonymous20:08

    now that's something to capture.

    i have a sore throat & reading this just made me more nauseous! with the mayo & all NO, GET THIS PICTURE OUT OF MY HEAD...

  2. Great story. I'll admit I'd do the same thing you did.

    Worst part is when the girl looks back/up and catches me checking her out.

  3. I have nothing agaisnt forty-year-old pedophiles checking people half their age out.

    Nothing. Yes, absolutely nothing.

    Who am I kidding?

    This might sound judgemental and stereotypical, but honestly...middle-aged men are the worst of the "I'm-going-to-stare-at-you-till-I-drop-dead" lot.


  4. Perv!
    Poor girl. Eye rape! =/

  5. Anonymous00:46

    This scene would've been greatly enhanced if the music in the background was either

    "Baby Got Back"...


    "My Humps"

  6. Never underestimate the power of the booty butt booty butt booty butt CHEEKS!

    Was he black? Was she black?

  7. Anonymous01:08

    You have an N95 Ammar! It has a 5MP camera man! Use it!


  8. *lmao*
    eww thats disgusting ;p

  9. a snapshot wouldn't be nearly as descriptively compelling as your anecdote.

    sometimes i think sharia is all about protecting men from their own inner apes.

  10. LOOL.. this was definitely a Kodak moment :P

  11. *Burp* After F...licking good KFC let's all move on to yummilious burger staring time heheheh.... :)

  12. lol aww look at u all nice avoiding the big butt hehehe and meskeen madre laish the guy kisar 5a6ri, i really dnt understand why tho

  13. Anonymous09:13

    Where do you live?

  14. ah..."the inner ape" is such a good description...

    hey, while i dont condone men oogling eveything with a butt(everything)...i also dont condone girlies dressing up to invite said oogling...and then act all offended when oogled.

  15. if she didnt want anyone to stare/drool over her bits-to-boast then she would have covered it up.....

  16. Lol! I can totally picture the guy. Gross.

  17. Ammar, you're a Seinfeld fan, aren't you?

  18. u eat way too much junk food

  19. Anonymous04:08

    Why you all stare?!
    He was staring at her, you was *Probably* staring at him, you were gazing soooooo deep that you could describe it this way!!

    So you don't deny that you like *BIG* nice butts hehe ;P

    Use the lack of Junk Food. You've got a wife man!!

  20. Anonymous12:14

    while i give nothing more than a glance at a beautiful woman (may i add- without making it obvios to her) these eye popin stare maniacs r just rude and disgusting

    ammar you rude boy, maybe the poor chap was lost in thought and his eye seemd to be targeting the booty :p

  21. cg, maybe her butt was too big to conceal ;-)


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