13 February 2008

A Saudi Valentine

So Saudi is pretty strict in general, with just about everything. They have something called "The Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice" which is supposed to be some sort of religious police. What they are, however, is a bunch of old bearded guys that drive around in GMC's looking for anything that might resemble people enjoying life.

Their tasks include walking around the popular shopping malls to make sure no flirting is going on, making sure women are fully covered and reveal no form of their body at all, driving around during prayer time and arresting (beating) kids who aren't at the mosque praying (wait, shouldn't these guys be praying during prayer time?).

Their tasks don't end there, and the list goes on and on. Now, however, they've managed to put their greasy hands on the event called Valentines Day. Valentines Day? OH LORD, the blasphemy! No, no, no.

Last Valentine they banned all florists from selling red roses, but no goddamit they had to top it this year; so they went around and banned every single flower and gift shop from selling not only red roses, but ANYTHING red. Yup. If you wanted to buy a red box, for example? Well, tough. Want to wrap a gift in red? Nope. Want to just buy a red string? Nu uh, that ain't allowed either.

I have nothing for or against Valentine. I think it's a stupid occassion, but hell, if you wanna go ahead and celebrate, go the f**k ahead. I ain't bothered. But to totally ban everything red 'just in case' some guy wants to buy his wife a flower? This ain't just about Valentine's day. This is about a bunch of retarded morons trying to impose rules that not only make for a really crappy quality of life, but end up causing half the problems that the youth of Saudi face today (who would otherwise grow up as really intelligent, hardworking people). Thanks for really screwing up Saudi, guys.

So no wonder you get people like Bin Laden coming up out of Saudi; I guess when you're totally sexually repressed, blowing things up doesn't seem like a totally bad idea.


  1. Anonymous21:40

    May god be with Saudi's on Valentines day ...
    cant wait to read the news paper on the 15th !

  2. # *&$@#(*$@#&$(@
    aaa! eshda3wa!

  3. Finally, the got ONE thing right!!

    Valentine's day is officially a creation of Hallmark the evil.

  4. Anonymous23:42

    Talk about gettin owned =x

  5. Mn jd OWNED. Haha.
    No but in all seriousness, I smiled when I read they banned it. It's friggin' annoying how (especially in high school) you go to school on valentine's day to 3/4 of your ALL GIRLS school walking around in red and hearts. WTF. Not because most of them are in love, but just because they think it's "hip" and "cool" for them to celebrate it, y'know, because the cool people in western countries do it. So we must follow their lead and do it too!! DIE :|

    No valentines day in good 'ol K of SA? A7saaannnn.

    And if a guy still wants to buy his wife a rose, 3adi, feeh white ones :p

  6. Thank god i live in kuwait!

  7. "..old bearded guys that drive around in GMC's looking for anything that might resemble people enjoying life." <-- ya i think that's exactly wat they r.

    They shud live and let live. Sheesh.

  8. Oh Gosh....I can sense your frustration ;(

  9. So the Saudis will have to download hearts and print them out....flowers too...lol. Theres always away to be "immoral" if we really set our minds to it....lol.

  10. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL you really make laught today .... for me valentines has no meaning .. only one day ? come one we need 365 days of valentines .... any way it seams that all this police is getting abit more maniatic . NO RED? hahahahhahaah they have print

  11. What a sad, sad state of affairs. I am sooooo glad I live in Bahrain...

  12. Hey soul

    Why are you so glad to be in Bahrain...todays paper claims plans are being made to detect and deport gays as they arrive at the airport...what method they decide to use remains to be soon...but I can only imagine the scenario....

    a group of "potential gays" are lined up against the wall at the airport....a naked man is paraded in front of them...anyone that "reacts" is immediately deported...of course the article seemed to indicate that only males are potential threats and a danger to society...I guess male homosexuals have more contagious cooties then female lesbians...eh?

    yeah...its great to live in Bahrain.


  13. Well said, agree with your views. Evil Kingdom, is getting there, slow and steady. "There" as in - the brink of idocrases in every way of life.

  14. Extremists!!!

    Extremists in any aspect in life are doing nothing but being stupid. There has to be a balance in everything anybody does.

    There are people who are extra religious...... people who are axtra liberal... people who have EVERYTHING and people who have NOTHING...

    Seriously, what's nicer than having a "BALANCE" in everything you do ??!!

  15. in the last hundred years or so, many clerics here and there around the world have been perplexed by red, have been worried by it, and they have gone to extraordinary lengths to snuff it out.

  16. but it comes back.

  17. Anonymous20:34

    You know, they can do whatever they want over there, but they should get at least the facts right.
    "Valentines day is a Pagan ritual"
    What a bunch of retarded morons....

  18. Anonymous23:27

    Banning is not gonna solve anything, when will they realize this!!

    Leaving valentines day aside, it's the ppl themselves who should recognise right from wrong, not simply be told to do or not to do things. This just doesn't make sense.


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