21 January 2008

The Fear in their Eyes

I remember in 2006 back when I was in Boston; I somehow got hired by this mortgage company whose offices were in a pretty suburban area. The neighborhood was full of white folks; the people driving down the street, walking past, the people in the restaurants, as well as every single person in my office, all white.

Anyway, I started work with three other new employees on the same day. It was funny, because somehow we realized we all stood out. This was a plain white office, in a plain white neighborhood, and here were the four of us. We formed a tight bond; it was cool, really.

The funniest thing I do remember, however, is when we left work at around 6 or 7pm every day. We would all leave around the same time, and walk towards the bus stop. As we waited for the bus, every white person driving by, walking by and so on would glance at us, and somehow, you could see that they were freaked out. It was funny.

There we were, 4 guys on the side of the road. Two black guys, a Peurto-rican, and a Mddle-eastern. They saw two gangsters, a thief, and a terrorist. Lol.

I love America.


  1. Lol! I can totally relate to the extra attention u'd get becuz u looked different. My family and I used to live in a city where they all looked alike (white-ish) and there was a minority of foreigners. Everywhere we went ppl wud look. Stare. Becuz i was a girl ppl never looked at me in a negative way. I got lots of stares. Some smiles too. ;P I felt like a celebrity.

  2. It happens in every closed community.

  3. "There we were, 4 guys on the side of the road. Two black guys, a Peurto-rican, and a Mddle-eastern. They saw two gangsters, a thief, and a terrorist"


  4. Anonymous00:03

    LOL :D nice one!

  5. shoush; sure, women have it easier! e7na, we're the ones who suffer. and you still ask for equality! :p

    redbelt; true, true...

    ruby; sure, feel free to :)

    moonlight; ;)

  6. lol

    i know the feeling

    its funny how ignorant ppl can be

  7. "There we were, 4 guys on the side of the road. Two black guys, a Peurto-rican, and a Mddle-eastern. They saw two gangsters, a thief, and a terrorist. Lol."...

    I protest this generalization....maybe they saw 2 rapstars...one pool boy....and a Pakistani...lol.

  8. Anonymous09:49

    I love that country!

  9. I went to a Muslim wedding in a village in Malaysia in '98. Twenty children followed me out of the village afterwards singing. Apparently they had never seen a white person before.

  10. eshda3wa; its not really that funny.

    coolred; so you're saying the look of fear was from worrying someone would clean their pool while rapping a remix of a pakistani song?

    amu; dont we all? im going on a month-long roadtrip there around the summer, wanna join?

    shale; dude, they malaysians ARE white. what you on about. they probably just wanted your money

  11. Malaysians are white? That is pretty silly.

    Also, they could not have been more civilised. Indians, however, all wanted my money.

  12. last time i checked, malaysians werent black!

    by indians, you mean red indians? thats why theyre all opening casinos.

  13. No, I mean Indian Indians. By white, I mean I compare unfavourably to things blue and pink. Pink cheeks and nose and blue skin. There is not just black and white. Actually, maybe I should not use those terms at all. We usually simplify it to black, white, Asian, European, East European or Arabic.

  14. *headache*

    too many definitions.

    i stick to white, black and tanned. tanned are usually the hottest

  15. Boston's very like that from what I've heard.

  16. Eee, 7adkom misakeen. Taksroon il5a6ir. (watever)

  17. I thought Boston was a college town??? I've never been to boston but a guy from my past was from there-I got the impression it was quite diversified.

  18. Lol.. god bless Americans..

    but u know what.. imagine the same senario .. but this tym in a plane.. HAHA!

  19. I agree on tanned usually being the hottest, excluding me.

  20. woozie; tell me about it! i remember walking past boston university, full of rich white kids (as well the crazy intelligent chinese). keep walking 5 minutes down the road and you end up in a totally different hood with ghetto latinos and blacks.

    shoush; we do ekser el 5a6er, dont we? :p

    boston; sure diversified! you get rich white kids, and poor black kids!

    shoaib; in that scenario i would get freaked out too...

    shale; dude, i picture you as a short, fat nerd with glasses and unbelievably pale skin.


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