16 January 2008

The Facelift

After a long day yesterday of stressing out over HTML, XML, RSS linking, templates, a bit of photoshop, redesign, margins, 10px and 20px, etc etc etc, it's finally done! Yep, this is the new face of ammaro.com, I hope you all like it, and if you don't, well, it took me so long to actually do this that I won't attempt another facelift till sometime next year. I am planning on tidying up small changes (maybe round corners here and there, move a few things around, etc), but the overall, this is it! Maybe a new header. Hmm...

If you passed by more than once yesterday, you probably would have seen the page go through every single color of the rainbow. I've been planning a facelift for about 2 months now, but yesterday I decided what the hell, and just did everything from A-Z. It's a headache. I swear.

Totally unrelated, but here's a pic of the Financial Harbor against some clouds, i'm pretty happy with this one:



  1. Salam

    Very good improvement
    Well done

    The first thing I’ve recognised is the name of the blog or as you said your website
    The black writing of “ammaro.com” wasn’t clear over the dark background colours

    But NOW

    It looks fantastic

    And I liked the long title for number of visitors

    The job you have done is worth it

    I went through your posts
    I read about you
    I liked your way of expressing your self and describing thins

    I enjoyed wasting my time at your blog

    Just joking

    You must be proud of your self

    Wish you all the best Ammar

  2. Anonymous15:51

    Bro..its looks nice :) congrats..I know its a hard work thats is why when I think about changing the look on my blog I cant be bothered!!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I just gave u some1 else's comment so ima try get it right this time :P

    HTML is a pain in the ass im surprised ur gona bother after 2 months :P

  5. Great job Ammaro I LOOOOVE IT
    So that's why I couldn't access your blog yesterday! Fantastic face left for a fantastic blog ;) keep shining dear

  6. I think it's cute and it's "mrattab".


    And hey.... the pic is awesome!

  7. Loving it. You should do mine.

  8. Becuz zafaitni for not reading ur last post (which i DID btw!), am not gonna read this one. But am glad ur blog is not zaiti. :P

  9. Anonymous02:04

    Niiice :-) both the blog & the pic.

    Honestly speaking, I really liked the old black style, before the last change of background! it was sort of ... sophisticated. but this one's nice too, modern & contemporary. Great job :)

  10. I think I'm a tad jealous.


    And yeah, nice photo -_-

  11. It looks amazing..! I expected some sort of change but this is top of the line attractive :-)

  12. Hey, sorry been away for so long, glad to be back :D

    Thank you for your comment pal, I'll catchup with you!

  13. Ammar, I've just been going thru your flickr pics and wondered if you would like to sell any of these images. I'm looking for generic images of Bahrain. So if you're nterested in selling any of them, please email me on: soulsearch78@gmail.com
    and we'll take it from there.

  14. Number of people who have wasted their life on this page instead of going out and doing something useful: 40,756 -- cool! hehe. love the design!

  15. Anonymous22:09

    Awesome! :D


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