19 January 2008

Reach Higher

Life is too short to waste. Too short to spend lazing away in bed all morning. Too short to spend watching movie after movie. Too short to spend wasting your time not achieving something. Life is too short to spend it doing things that benefit no one but yourself. Life is too short.

You realize how short life is as you grow older. Your years pass by quicker, your months feel like weeks, your days feel like hours. What have you achieved in life, really? Did you affect lives? Did your actions cause change? Whether the effect is positive or negative is not the point; the point is how great an effect have you had on the people around you, the people from your country, your region, the world. Ghandi effected change. Hitler effected change. Both in their own different ways, but they did it. Their life meant something.

Sure, you could spend your life watching one movie after another, playing games, relaxing, or enjoying yourself in any other way. But when it nears the end, will you look back and wonder how big a change you've made? Will you even be remembered? Or was your life just a waste of carbon based life-form? A useless, pointless existence with no real outcome?

Go out there, stop wasting your time doing things that benefit no one but you. What has your existence effectively resulted in, what have you achieved during your life? Make a change. Make a big change. Make and create something, something to make a difference, make your life mean something. After all, life is too short to waste.


  1. Hi Ammar
    Excellent post!
    Thank you.
    have a good day

  2. Anonymous02:00

    on that note "where would you be heading ? "

  3. Great post! Difficult to achieve, anyhow...
    Thanks for your visits and much appreciated comments to Blogtrotter
    Have a great weekend, doing whatever you feel would be relevant!

  4. whirling thoughts... i feel the same. what have i done? what do i need to do? i hope we all find the right answers. the right path. life is short.

  5. No, it's 11:04 PM EST. I am tired, maybe I'll beat it and then I'm going to sleep. The day for change will come tomorrow :)

  6. Anonymous08:28

    I agree. Thanks for dropping by my blog, by the way.

  7. Anonymous13:36

    well said! but I hope it's as easy as saying... u could spend ur life looking for an apportunity to change!

    but u're right, the important thing is that we're looking...who knows when we'll find that great chance?!

    beautiful post, thanx :-)

  8. Have you been watching me for the last 2 weeks? It is not normal!! It is just phase!!

  9. Anonymous20:09

    I have been thinking about the same thing lately. I agree with you that we are not doing much to initiate change but it doesn't mean that we are not doing any. Blogging is one method and there are certainly different ways to achieve this. I am not that obsessed anymore with the latest movies, series, music releases. I read more, surf the net for latest news and try to learn from people’s experiences and life stories. May be I am getting old but I am more satisfied with my life style now than I have ever had.

  10. get inspiration!

    btw your blog looks really cool! amazing!

  11. Dammit. I really need to do this :-S

  12. Anonymous09:17

    nice post..very well written...

  13. Anonymous12:35

    Which template is this one? I want a three bar one for my blog :-)

  14. i disagree, lifes never to short to waste spending the mornings in bed :P

  15. david santos; youre on everyones blog saying the same thing, arent you

    coolio; i'm heading somewhere ;)

    gmg; difficult to achieve, but living life easily never got anyone anywhere

    ria; big thoughts...

    woozie; stop slackin, you commie!

    coral; i agree that you agree

    moonlight; stop looking. create your own.

    shale; yes, i have. dont turn around, im standing right behind you, btw

    butterfly; blogging is one way, and there are hundereds of ways out there :) glad you feel this way

    jay; i have some, trying to put it all together now

    taqo; youre smart, i know you can do something if you push yourself to

    amu; thanks bro

    blueice; cant remember the name. ill email you a link

    do0da; sure... sleeping all morning is beautiful... aaaah!


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