17 December 2007

Are we there yet?

We're always going somewhere, running to get to a place, to meet someone, to do something. In a car cursing at the traffic keeping us, in an elevator disappointed with every floor it stops at before ours, walking through a building from office to office for our next meeting, running down the street to the theatre to catch the next show, on a plane to our next destination, driving back late at night just to get home.

We're never where we want to be, are we? Always stuck in between destinations, spending so much time and effort going from one place to the next, that we hardly get to enjoy where we are when we finally get there.

Stop, ponder, think. Dont focus all your energy on just 'getting there'. Enjoy your life for what it is, enjoy the journey. (Written on the way to something)


  1. Nah, life is like the economy, or a bicycle. Unless it keeps moving forward, you will fall off.

    Keep jogging.

  2. Anonymous19:21

    This doesn't apply to everybody. But you are right... Enjoy every moment!

  3. Anonymous23:16

    carpe diem!

  4. shale; definately keep jogging, life won't stop after all. Just enjoy it while you do

    cece; sure, not everyone, but i'm sure a lot of us feel this way sometimes

    oneinamillion; definately!

  5. Anonymous23:40

    loved this post! was thinking about something similar recently.. but more on the lines of 'why does it seem as though people have moved on and i'm still stuck in place?!'

  6. Anonymous23:53

    That is why the dictionary contains the word "more", because always there is more

  7. So true, in one's hurry to get to their destination, they forget to enjoy the journey. Someone gave me a very good advice: not to forget to breathe. Really breathe, just take a moment, stop and just take a deep breath. It is amazing how in the midst of all the hullaboo you forget the simplist and most essential of things.

  8. And always keep a Nintendo DS in the car!

  9. Anonymous16:10

    haha on the way ..
    because this is life, we live a busy life and we cant stop at one place without thinking of the next place ... this is crazy!!


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