31 December 2007

Arad Fort

When you think about it, most tourists to Bahrain have no idea where to go to see historic sights and so on. Most of the history has been wiped out to make way for new roads, business centers and shopping malls, but whatever history is left isn't really promoted well; when a tourist asks where to go, they're usually guided to Seef Mall, Bahrain International Circuit, and a bunch of other modern creations that really don't show any of our past, which is actually very rich with culture and history. I'll cover most of the sites you should take a look at if you visit:

Arad Fort is a 15th century fort (exact date of construction is not known) built by the Portugese. It is located in Muharraq, very close to the airport, so it is probably the first sight you will see on your visit to Bahrain.

The fort isn't very big, but it's definately something to see. Make sure you wear a good pair of shoes (no high heels!) especially if you're planning on walking up the stairs, and take a camera along!

But the visit isn't free; entrance is a whopping 200 fils (approx US Dollars $0.52), so make sure you pass by the bank before visiting!


  1. definitely gna go see it next time im in bahrain

  2. Nice pics, now no-one will go to see it, since they have seen it here!! JK, it is definately worth a visit.

  3. A whopping 52 cents? Wow, if price is outrageously, ridiculously, and unfairly high, then this "stairs" thing definitely sealed the Fort as a no-no in my world travels. Y'all gotta install an escalator.

  4. You take good pictures ammar.

  5. I love the pictures ammaro ... is a super place!

  6. Anonymous09:52

    just woooooooooooooooooooow

  7. Excellent pictures, especially the last one. You have encouraged me Bro to visit... Yeah I know.. Shame on me, never have ever visited the Arab Fort, Museum, etc.. Why??? Not properly promoted maybe.. Enshallah 2008 I promise.
    Happy New Year 2008, wishing you and your family prosperity, happiness, success and above all good health Bro.

  8. اذا كان الي الان ي البحرين اعتقد من المهم انك تاخذه لقلعه البحرين

  9. Brilliant and beautiful - I LOVE it.

  10. Anonymous10:41

    ra7t ayamha

    ayam 6foolatna kna nel3ab hnaak

  11. Anonymous11:13

    Helpful blog, bookmarked the website with hopes to read more!


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