24 November 2007

Cell phone, camera and a hot chick

Cell phones and salad dressing don't mix. That should be a generally well known fact, and if you didn't already know, check out these words of wisdom. Anyhow, after destroying my phone, I went out last night and got an N95 (8GB version).

Wow. Now I don't care what cell phone you're carrying, you throw it out and go buy this! This phone has everything, from the regular phone calling and SMS features, to Wifi (you can connect to any available networks and browse), GPS Navigation (just enter any address you want to go to and the phone will direct you to it), the clearest camera i've seen on any phone yet, ridiculously smooth video streaming, and the list goes on. 8GB means the memory will never end (ok, not literally), giving you space to upload music, software, videos and everything else. It comes pre-installed with Spiderman 3-the movie, and at 30 frames per second, it somehow feels clearer than those new HD LCD TV's out there..

Anyway, enough with the tech-talk, there's too many features to list anyway. Here's a shot of this new baby:

Lovely eh? And since we're on the topic of photos of new things, MSB asked me a few times to post a photo of my new Canon. Well, I decided the best way to take a photo of the new camera is WITH the new camera (ie, using another camera just doesn't do it justice), so here's a mirror shot just for you:

Again, lovely eh? November has been a good month so far :P

On another note, checked out Resident Evil; Extinction last night. What a great movie. Zombie/virus movies seem to have been on the rise recently (Res. Evil, 28 Weeks later, etc), and so far they've been pretty good. Check it out. Also, the main character in the movie is pretty hot too (well, she's not THAT hot, but just the fact that she IS the resident evil chick just pushes up her hottness level ten-fold).

That's all for today. Have a good one :)


  1. Anonymous15:06

    =) thanks for posting the pic of the cam!

    mabrook.. how big is the fone? i'm not a nokia fan, but out of pure curiosity, how much does it sell for?

    (btw, the newsflash section is now below the fixing money probs one.. it might be a good idea to have the newsflash on top. just my 2 fils worth!)

  2. Is the N95 8GB really good? I'm thinking of getting a new phone, but I'm not considering a Nokia, lol. If I go back to Nokia this N95 would be the only reason for me going back to Nokia! :-p

  3. msb: hope youre finally happy to see it! As for the n95, the regular one is 220, the 8gb one i just got is 325 (bigger screen, more memory, better software etc)

    Amjad: its amazing, seriously. Read a few reviews and its currently the most powerful 'phone' out there. Dont even think of mentioning the iPhone to me

  4. I hated the movie. It was pointless.

  5. sony ericsson k850i is better .. thats what i have :D

  6. shoush; actually, it made the producers a lot of money, so it did have a point.

    Jundi; Aha.. Because you have it. Of course it is.

  7. Anonymous22:45

    I have stopped watching Zombie movies since the day of Evil dead ! For me its same shit different smell .

    My next mobile will also be SOny erricson if not iphone ( when they decide to catch the Hindi labourer market )

  8. 3alek bel 3afiya, enjoy it cherish it, treat it like a woman. :P

  9. Congratulations on those purchases; I'd put more enthusiasm into it had there been some. Lol.

    *reads previous comments*
    Treat it like a woman? Now that, Mr N says a lot (yet again) about the whole "are you a romantic" debate. :P I think I just changed my judgement....for the fourth time. Haha.

  10. Ilnas awthaq i guess.

  11. Wow. What a hot camera.
    I was just hinting to my mother today that I'd like that camera as a gift ;)
    I hope she got the hint.

  12. Mabrook your Nokia phone :D

    I hate Nokia :D

    Nokia phones are very advanced :D

    Yet very slow :D


  13. My son wil be so jealous...he is dreaming of owning that phone. He went out and got a part time job to save money for it...by which time it will be old and something new will come along. Just to tease him his friend bought one and let him play with it for a day...now he drools at the mere mention of the phone...lol. A sad sight to see for sure...he's 18 for goodness sakes...something other than a nokia phone should be making him drool...lol.

  14. Anonymous14:21

    hehe, you seem very happy with your new phone, have fun !!

  15. *missy steals the cam and the phone and runs away*

    haha :P

  16. grey; stay away from the iPhone! its made of pure eviiiiiilllllllllll aaaaaahhhhhhh!!!

    n; umm... ok?

    manutd; yes, its was exciting the first day or two. excitment wearing off now.

    shoush; yes, everyone has different taste. some people have different smells too. and some have really bad smells.

    taqo; she is hot :p and yes, i hope she got the hint too! then if you buy any new lenses we can exchange :p (they cost more than the camera, you see)

    kj; thanks
    youre wrong

    coolred; it has a bunch of really cool gimmicks. people in this country/region tend to get overexcited about cell phones (as i have demonstrated in the above post)

    icon; its a cool little thing!

    missy; *SLAP*!

  17. You are right dude, i cant find where i posted my comment!
    Anyways, i guess i want every thing in a phone (even features i know i wont use) and at the same time i want it to be very slim!
    i will get the N95 8G, that is if i have any money left after my trip to Thailand!

  18. Anonymous15:45

    Hey Ammar, is the GPS a subscription option or permanently built in?


  19. Anonymous17:28

    Is the N95 8GB really good? I'm thinking of getting a new phone, but I'm not considering a Nokia, lol.

  20. Anonymous10:48

    BD 275 in the shops at Gosi Complex

  21. God Bless Nokia.. Congrats..

    i wish i cud go ack in tym n beatmyself up for choosing SE over Nokia.. :-/ but lets not do it.. :-P


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