8 October 2007

Still here...

I've been here (in the office) for approximately four hours now. Somehow it feels like i've been here for days. The time just isn't passing.

Ramadan work hours are considerably shorter than on normal days, so right now I only have two hours left. But they're not passing! I processed a few deals, I made a few thousand dollars profit for the bank, I went through a bunch of blogs, browsed some forums, gathered information on the new camera i'm thinking of buying, walked around a little, played with my phone, yet time seems to be standing still! Help! I need to go home!


  1. Anonymous13:21

    you need a more challenging job. fo shoo.

  2. Anonymous13:28

    I guess you are not planning of retiring soon from your job! :)

  3. Everyone becomes a clock watcher in Ramadhan. 3 more days to go.

  4. so be it; no i dont! i need to win the lottery and quit!

    joel; although i would REALLY REALLY love to, the answer is, unfortunately, no

    seroo; umm, which ramadan are you talkin about? because the rest of the muslim world still has another 4 days :p maybe 5 if youre shee3i :p

  5. I bet a nice cup of coffee wud hav been gr8 company. ;)

  6. Shit, you're right.

  7. Anonymous22:26

    The day is just slow... Period.. It's non-negotiable.. Good news is in a few days it will all be over, everything and everyone will all get back into the swing of things in a harsh way... عيدكم مبارك in advance.

  8. You coulda fast forwarded your clock!

  9. Anonymous00:51

    Hmmm......you need remove the clock.

  10. Yo I hope by now that I've commented you've just got a good night sleep....nite nite :)

  11. Anonymous03:44

    I know how you feel. I'm fasting right now and it's only 9 in the morning and I wanna go hoooommmmmeeeee!!!!!!!

  12. I know how you feel. My project has been on hold for two months and a half - and I can't relocate to another project. So imagine that I am forced to come to the office and do nothing for 60+ days.

    The first week was fun but I am going nuts now. I sometimes find it actually liberating to get fired LOOL

  13. I just got to work, with 2 hours to go. I haven't had this much good sleep in a long time!

  14. shoush; i dont like coffee! but a nice big sandwich woulda been great!

    seroo; i know! im always right!

    capt; i dont know whether to be happy or sad! im loving having to work from 8 till 2! next week its back to 7.15 till 5! aaaah

    imaginate; clever, but my manager still wont let me out before :p

    blue dress; thats like being in a jail with no windows! you dont know the morning, night, or anything!

    shionge; no! its the next day and im back at work!

    coralbead; uuh... dont depress me even more. i have enough problems without having to worry about other ppl :p

    kj; so why do you even go to the office? why dont you say you have meetings and stuff outside?

    n; curse words are all i can think of right now

  15. When this happens... i start YOUTUBING! looool...!


  17. can3rian; i do that all the time! but i have to keep the volume on mute, bluh...

    missy; what?! why!?

  18. Anonymous21:45

    MAN!! I will never understand who time passes so slowly when you want it to go fast, and on the other hand flies when you what it to be slow!
    I thought you had less working hours in Ramadan???

  19. because i said so ;p

  20. whats that supposed to mean inshala?

  21. you see Ammaro, besides YOUTUBE, one of the things I can't live without is my headset!! lol

  22. "Always"? Hmmm... I smell a chaaaaaallaaaange... hehehe!


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