21 October 2007

Bahrain finally gets some!

I always figured nothing exciting ever happens in Bahrain. I mean, you have to admit it; our people are nice, friendly and all, we're a close knit community, so on and so forth. But nothing really exciting ever happens here. Bahrain is just dead. I mean, even when there was a cyclone (ie. Gonu) which hit Oman and a part of the UAE, there were predictions of it possibly hitting Bahrain. I told one of my friends that there is a chance, just a possibility that it would hit us, to which he replied "No, it won't"

Me: "There's that chance, how do you know"

Him: "I just know, there is no possible way it will hit us"

Me: "Come on, there's always a small chance of it happening, and what do you know, you don't work in the forecast"

Him: "No, you don't understand. We wont get hit because Bahrain is just THAT boring. We'll never get anything as exciting as that happening here!"

So you see, Bahrain is just utterly dead. Nothing. Nada. Nope. Zilch. Not that I wish a disaster would hit us, but i'm just saying, it's so damn quiet here!

So anyway, finally, we have something exciting going on! A full fledged twister!

Yippeee! Finally something exciting! Next? Who knows?!!?! Godzilla attacking the Bahrain Financial Harbor?!!?!

Shots taken by Adool Zainal's Dad @ Salmabad around midday (20th Oct 2007)


  1. Anonymous15:55

    LOL! why are you so evil?
    haha interesting you say...haha

  2. Anonymous15:56

    lol ! if "Bahrain" is boring what chances do we have ?

  3. Absolutely fantastic shot ya....amazing :D

  4. When did this happen?! :-s What was the speed of the twister?

  5. u kno wat wouldv made it better??

    if there were cows flying and a house landed on a wicked witch! *too much tv for me*

  6. lol....38bal el tsunami! :P

  7. aham shay ennak you're excited about this ;p

    but seriously, that looks a bit scary :S
    faj2a that reminded me of the movie "Twister"
    bs bismellah 3alekm enshallah ma y9eer shay.

  8. omg allaah yestir
    lol il 9ara7a i prefer that bahrain stays this boring rather then getting another gonu or any kind of a natural "disaster"...a5aaf :P ebroo7ha il ba7rain netfa lo kuber oman chan gilt ma3alaih

  9. finally something interesting happens in Bahrain & damn for I'm not around to witness it.

  10. Why is something tragic "exciting"?

    Allah ekafena Elshar!

  11. Anonymous19:03

    Just WOW !

  12. :S LOOL are u happy with that ??
    lOOOOL inshalla nothing gonna happen. it's a tiny country and i feel any thing ummm like that hurricane gonna destroy the whole country since it's an island :S but inshalla nothing happen :) evil u ... J/k :P

  13. Ah, Bahrain is not that boring. I am in it after all!
    And I guess you too are in there somewhere..

    Getting real, I gotta show this to my dad. Y'see, he's a meteorologist. He'll tell you what this is, although I guess he'll say a large "dust devil".

  14. Anonymous20:03

    I think I've seen mini ones around Salmabad before.
    Cool :P

  15. True Bahrain can get boring, but with places called Salambad, Karzakan and Jannousan, it sort of spices the place up... ah who am I kidding!

    Although would be cool to compile a list of the names of all the villages and see which one is the strangest sounding one and what the origin of the name was, would be interesting I think.

  16. That looks awesome. I think It's called 3afoor. Those are not generally big, but this one looks bigger than normal. They don't last much either.
    But THAT is exciting :-)

  17. Shit man so it is all or nothing for you guys huh! Wow at this thing!

  18. Hey, if you want a Twister go to KFC :P

    Actually we did get a taste of Gonu at the bilaj where the tide was noticeably high and full of debri

    I can still smell the stench and the itch it caused us uggggh

  19. lol!! oh man that's awesome! :D

    We got a 4 second earthquake and it was so damn thrilling although not a lot of people felt it, anyways, seems like we both share the love of live thrill. God knows how much I miss air-raid sirens, not that I want Iraq to launch missiles at us again. :P

    btw, Nice Z! Single turbo?

  20. which Z are you talking about :S theres no Z in this post :S

  21. Not in the post, in your image gallery. Yours? :P

  22. haha, ok, that belongs to a friend. very clean, and pretty damn fast.

  23. With that intercooler, it sure does look fast. Still haven't answered my Q... single or twin?

  24. AFA I missed the 3afoor ;)


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