9 September 2007

I heard of cheap, but this is ridiculous

زوج يترك زوجتة في ماليزيا خوفاً من ضياع ثمن التذكره

جدة - عبدالله القشيري

ترك أحد السعوديين زوجته في ماليزيا واستقل الطائرة بعد أن تأخرت في دورة المياه؛ وذلك خوفا من ضياع قيمة التذكرة على حد قوله. الزوج كان عيبه الوحيد (ظاهريا) عندما تقدم لأسرة الزوجة هو بخله الشديد وانكشف ذلك بعد أقل من أسبوعين من زواجهما. والقصة بدأت عندما قرر الزوجان قضاء أسبوع عسل في ماليزيا على حساب الزوجة المعلمة التي تكفلت بأغلب تكاليف الرحلة بعد أن كان الزوج يقترح قضاء الإجازة بالطائف. المشكلة حدثت عند الإعلان النهائي لرحلة العودة، حيث كانت الزوجة في دورة المياه، وعند خروجها لم تجد زوجها في مكانه. المسكينة لم تتوقع أن بخل زوجها وخوفه من ضياع قيمة التذكرة جعلاه يصعد الطائرة مفضلا ترك (حبيبته) في ماليزيا على ضياع قيمة التذكرة، ومتوقعا أن الزوجة سوف تلحق به. الأهل في مطار جدة وبعد أن استقبلوا الزوج بالأحضان ومن دون زوجته سألوه عنها فأخبرهم بكل بساطة (والله شكلي نسيتها في ماليزيا). أهل (المنسية) اتصلوا بها ووجدوها ما زالت منتظرة في المطار متوقعة أن زوجها حصل له مكروه، وبعد أن علمت بالأمر طالبت بسماع يمين الطلاق، وأقسمت بعدم العودة إذا لم يطلقها هذا البخيل، وهو ما حدث .

(Translation; A Saudi couple in an airport, Malaysia, were waiting to board their plane, when the wife decided to go to the bathroom. While she was there, the airline made the final announcement that all passengers should board; now, the husband was a seemingly good guy, with his only real problem being that he was pretty cheap (ie, stingy). After hearing the final call, he decided to board the plane without his wife, worried about losing the ticket (and how much he paid for it).

When the plane arrived back home in Saudi, the girl's family were at the airport ready to welcome them. When they asked him where his wife was, he said "I think I forgot her in Malaysia".

Good to know that, after this incident, she requested a divorce.

Funny to note that it wasn't even the guy who paid for the tickets, but it was his wife who paid for the whole vacation in the first place.)


  1. LooooooooooooooooL

    And now he has to pay el mo2akhar!

  2. what a wife he lost, hahah.

  3. Anonymous12:57

    salam ,
    I think it is the fault of the males member of the bride family as in our society due to merriage methods -despite the short two-three months family approved phone calls - they have a huge responsibility in seeing these thing? let us speak honestly , how many of you have been also during this intorductory period talking and going out with his sister /niece/unte proposed fience? how can we girls rely on phon calls to get to know waht inside this creature?
    what if he made his excuse of not haveing a farway honey moon like maldeev and barbados island because he have a lones for builing a house,etc ....
    It just remind me by a story that a girl and her fiance after a loooooong persuding sessionssssssss from her side he talked to one of the fine shops but she comment that he was about to have heart attack or brain strok when it comes to the moment of paying the bill and told her husband that simply she did not bring her purse ... no longer than few days they were divorced
    sad but true...
    so because of our society traditin which I really respect as it protect the girl from going out with guys on the basis of finding the relationship if it is working or not , YOU GUYS HAVE GREAT RESPONSIBILTLY ON YOUR SHOULDER OF KNOWING THE GUY DEEP INSIDE RATHER THAN THE GIRLS outside SKIN KNOWLDGE

  4. stupid people...the man is sick & the woman is desperate!! why would anyone jump heads first in such marriage?!

  5. Anonymous13:18

    Beside my previouse comment , I agree with diva and I am sure that she have been thrown in this merriage because both she and her family are desperter of finding a man for her. SO to all those sutpied newspaper writer who write about the rapid increase of mahor to unbelielvable number : could please explain why on earth we have several stories like this as it abovise that it won't be included wihtin the high mahar but still end up with having single and divorced women in our society?
    ms happy days

  6. Anonymous13:21

    to eyaad -
    I would apprecite it please if you could correct your how adjuctive that you have use to discrive such woman:
    what a central bank he have lost
    what a cash machain he have lost
    ms happy days

  7. There is a huge problem in Saudi which is the number of un-married women (العنوسة) and unfortunately many women jump at the chance to get married while they are still 'ripe' i.e before they are 30 and turn 'stale' and stay on the shelf.

    But all I can say is what a bastard!

  8. Anonymous13:23

    if you could please correct the adjuctive that you have used to describe the woman

  9. Anonymous13:35

    To Yacoup,
    1-could you explain to me the succesful merriage of our mothers on the age of 15th and less than 22?
    2- can you give us your point of view of the reason of the growing number of spinnsters ( AWANES)?
    3- For your knowlegde :From a scientific point of view the woman can have childeen up to 45 and more commenmly up to 40 as abouve 40 the health risk for the mother and baby rises.
    SO could any one explain why woman abouve thirty are consider forbbiden and they are roled out from the bride to be selection rules?

  10. @Ms happy days, what have you been smoking? leave the fact that you are trying to be an online English teacher while you suck at it, but I really can't see your point.

    how about you bullet point your Ideas, it should be clear after that and we might understand what you are trying to say.

  11. Anonymous13:53

    1-I did not mean to be an english etacher neither ot you nor to any one else as I myself still learnig the language and they are more people who are beter than me so I know my modest abilities and I that none of you you take it personally by putting ward and the translation.
    2-I also beleive in our society there are lots stories of the woment who spend thier husband money in a few hours of shopping
    So it all falls on finding the right person and we all should listen to the parent advice as they really see thing that we don't see in the other person.
    Sorry again eyad, ammar , yagoop if any of you felt that I have been as an english teacher.

  12. ok children, calm down now...

  13. ugh! men! *rolls eyes*

    and anon.. this is supposed to be funny.. dont take it to seriously!

  14. Ms. Happy Days, here is my reply.


  15. Anonymous16:49

    this one hilarious [ and painful]for all reasons ... lol

  16. Anonymous17:41

    So funny!!!!

    A wife pays the whole trip and he leaves her behind?? Man how stingy can a person get? I do hope she gets him to divorce her!! I would just stay in Malaysia and find myself a nice rich guy! :P

  17. Anonymous20:26

    ms happy days, thanks for the term spinnster as I google translated (العنوسة) but all I got was 'doing'!

    as for your questions:

    1 - If you don't mind, I'll use my dear auntie as an example, she has been married four times during her life and the earliest marriage was when she was just 11 years old. It was a very short-lived marriage due that her husband was literally as old as her father!
    I like to believe why marriages were more successful in our parents and grandparents generation is that life was not as demanding as it is now.
    We live in a cut throat world-every man for himself. Families in their generation were much tighter knitted, if anyone needed any support they didn't need to look far.
    Money is also in my opinion a big marriage breaker nowadays. Life is a bitch, almost everyone worries about their financial status and can cause a lot of stress between husband and wife.
    2- Eyad's post on this topic is a good starting point, many young men find getting a mahar nowadays is mission impossible (I myself facing this exact dilemma *anyone willing to donate to my mahar fund, please don't hesitate contacting me, as I will accept everything from coins to cheques!*). Parents can be very picky too, and even go to raise the mahar of their daughter just to get rid of him. Reasons can be from 'he's to short and ugly' to he's from a certain sect (opposite to what they are). Parents should be more considerate and realise that they shouldn't sell their daughters to the highest bidder but 'buy' the man and help him support himself to give their daughter a good safe life that she deserves.
    3- Our Prophet pbuh married Khadija and she was almost ten years older than he was. Eastern men in general like to marry women much younger than they are because they are supposedly more fertile and easier to control and more obedient. Also when a man sees that a girl who is thirty and over has become a spinnster, it's a turn off because he'll start thinking 'why hasn't anybody taken her yet? there must be something seriously wrong about her!' and stays away from her..

    hope that I answered your questions fully

  18. That was a great story. Cheap is universal

  19. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLL... a9laan tickets are refundable!!!!!!!

  20. missy, looool, haha :P

  21. ena theyre refundable, loool. didnt even cross my mind :P

  22. Anonymous15:54


    This is hilarious!!

    Yah, I bet there's a lot to do in al Taief ... idiot.

  23. Anonymous13:55

    check this out:

    تشاجر مع زوجته فألقى بنفسه من السيارة!

    كتب: سيد عبدالقادر

    كان المشهد الذي رآه مستخدمو الطريق في المحافظة الشمالية أقرب إلى فيلم سينمائي، فبعد مشاجرة حامية بين الشاب والفتاة اللذين كانا يستقلان السيارة، فتح الشاب الباب وألقى بنفسه إلى الشارع، فأصيب بعدة إصابات في أنحاء مختلفة من جسمه، وعلى الفور توقفت السيدة التي كانت تقود السيارة وتوجهت إليه وهي في حالة ذهول وقامت بطلب الإسعاف، التي حضرت لنقل الشاب إلى السلمانية.

    وقد تبين أن اللذين كانا في السيارة، زوجان ارتبطا منذ فترة قصيرة وأن هناك خلافات مستمرة بينهما، وأن الشاب أثناء مشاجرة سابقة، هدد زوجته بإلقاء نفسه من السيارة وهي منطلقة، وفي هذه المرة نشبت مشاجرة جديدة أثناء قيادة الزوجة للسيارة، فنفذ الزوج الشاب تهديده وألقى بنفسه، وكانت النتيجة إصابته بإصابات بسيطة، وقد تم أخذ تعهد عليه بعدم تكرار هذه الفعلة مرة أخرى.



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