21 September 2007

'God' responds to lawsuit againt him

Ok this is getting too weird. If you haven't already read up on the case, a U.S. state senator has filed a lawsuit against God. Now, it seems God has managed to respond; a reply just 'appeared'. See the article:

'God' apparently responds to lawsuit Thu Sep 20, 11:18 PM ET

LINCOLN, Neb. - A legislator who filed a lawsuit against God has gotten something he might not have expected: a response. One of two court filings from "God" came Wednesday under otherworldly circumstances, according to John Friend, clerk of the Douglas County District Court in Omaha.

"This one miraculously appeared on the counter. It just all of a sudden was here — poof!" Friend said.

State Sen. Ernie Chambers of Omaha sued God last week, seeking a permanent injunction against the Almighty for making terroristic threats, inspiring fear and causing "widespread death, destruction and terrorization of millions upon millions of the Earth's inhabitants."

Chambers, a self-proclaimed agnostic who often criticizes Christians, said his filing was triggered by a federal lawsuit he considers frivolous. He said he's trying to makes the point that anybody can sue anybody.

Not so, says "God." His response argues that the defendant is immune from some earthly laws and the court lacks jurisdiction. It adds that blaming God for human oppression and suffering misses an important point.

"I created man and woman with free will and next to the promise of immortal life, free will is my greatest gift to you," according to the response, as read by Friend.

There was no contact information on the filing, although St. Michael the Archangel is listed as a witness, Friend said.

A second response from "God" disputing Chambers' allegations lists a phone number for a Corpus Christi law office. A message left for that office was not immediately returned Thursday. Attempts to reach Chambers by phone and at his Capitol office Thursday were unsuccessful.

The case seems to get more exciting by the day. Lets see if they can manage to summon God to come to court on the day of the trial.


  1. ya mami!

  2. Anonymous19:40

    If the court takes God's response into consideration then not only can anyone sue anyone else in the US but that anyone can respond to a claim in court without having to identify him/herself to court or the other party which is rather interesting and could potentially point to another flaw in the US legal system.

  3. Anonymous21:49

    Attention seekers ! thats a new low !

  4. Anonymous00:49

    okey !

  5. this is starting to sound like one of those low budget reality shows!!

    lets hope to see a live feed on CNN for the trial when god is called in as a witness!!!

  6. This is getting interesting! I want to see what happens next!

  7. Anonymous21:28

    They say "Alla ma ya'6reb b3a9a" ..well, He doesn't write letters either! Those ppl better pull themselves together and use their minds or a real response will come!


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