16 September 2007

Driving to & from Work



Which idiot planned it this way? I'm supposed to be at work at 8:15 and everybody else starts at 8:00. I actually have to leave my house an hour earlier to get to work on time. Bluh. A full hour wasted.

Anybody have any ideas to occupy the time usefully in the car? I'm downloading audio foreign language guides, at least i'll get to do something while i'm in the car. I'm also considering putting a TV in there, but i'm pretty sure i'll end up in an accident sooner or later if I do.

Anyway, i'm still at the office, it's almost 3:00, even though I finish at 2:15. You know why? You wanna know WHY? Because the traffic is SO RIDICULOUS when every single company and ministry leaves at 2! So I decide to stay an extra 45 minutes; believe it or not, i'll get home around the same time I would have got home if I leave at 2:15

Anyway, time to go home. I'm like, so hungry.


  1. Ramdan comes with its own package. Thank God I'm on leave.

    Well. I'll have to suffer from this starting from next week though. Observe the people other cars for fun :p

  2. yeah it is pretty annoying, especially if u dont live too close to work

    same thing here in kuwait. i find it amusing though. all part of the Ramadan traditions :p

  3. Anonymous15:36

    Not much of a difference between Kuwait and Bahrain roads! ;)

  4. Wow... yes this is soooooooo the issue of today! lol

    :( It really annoys me how i also should get up very early to go to uni ... i leave the house at like 7:30 even when my class is at 10:00 because it's my only ride sometimes.

    and the crowded roads are a different story too !!

    3awwart gloobna with your topic! did you have to remind us of our everyday misery? lool

    but i think it's amazing that you're getting language learning audio for you car... I mean i can't think of a more useful thing.

    Good Luck!
    PS: What languages did you choose?

  5. Wow... yes this is soooooooo the issue of today! lol

    :( It really annoys me how i also should get up very early to go to uni ... i leave the house at like 7:30 even when my class is at 10:00 because it's my only ride sometimes.

    and the crowded roads are a different story too !!

    3awwart gloobna with your topic! did you have to remind us of our everyday misery? lool

    but i think it's amazing that you're getting language learning audio for you car... I mean i can't think of a more useful thing.

    Good Luck!
    PS: What languages did you choose?

  6. Hi,
    you caught me at Joel's blog?
    Again, Joel the Pret a Porter Guy connects people!:)

    Anyway, glad to meet you!

    That traffic thing, funny stuff!
    Why don't u walk or ride a bike!

    Yeah, I'm always full of advices, lol!

  7. Anonymous17:02

    But at least you dont need to rush home to prepare for iftar..!

  8. I was 30 minutes late for my 2 pm class today!! I hate traffic jams ufff.

  9. Story of my life every day ramadaan or not. I have to wake up at 5am,leave at six am,and get to work at six thirty.. And i only start at eight thirty am. If i leave at eight i will get to work at ten am..I usually take my laptop and finish some work on the way if im late..Because sometime traffic stands still for half an hour. I so need to get that Harley :)

  10. Anonymous17:25

    I live in Sar. Today when I saw the traffic BEFORE the flyover above Burgerland roundabout I thought there was an accident. But no, that was simply the traffic from the Financial Harbour traffic light, all the way to budayia. It took me one good hour to arrive work, of course, 30 minutes late. I was so obessed about arriving late, but guess what: everyone else arrived late too.

    I can say that this was the worst traffic jam I've ever seen in Bahrain, never ever have I seen anything worse than this!

    I think it's time we thought about a proper solution, mainuplating the timing is not good enough. We need public transport, and by that I do not Cars. We need a train, a functional, punctual train that gives me the option of not driving and still going to work.

  11. Anonymous18:17

    today was the first day for me to uni and helll yeaa i was an hour late for it =S

    until the end of this holly month, may God helps us

  12. You work 8-2? What are you in, primary school?

    Flexitime kicked in here to help with the traffic.

  13. Ammar dear

    I learn forign languages in my car or listen to Audio books.

    I am currently learning japanese.
    (Ima watashi wa nihongoga benkyoshimas)
    (I just said "I am currently learning japanese" in Japanese ^_^)
    Dude I Downloaded a huge folder, Over 6Gigs. Filled with MP3s, Movies, books, dictionaries and lots of intresting stuff.

    I suggest you try it out. It isn't as hard as you think. I can burn you a couple of DVD's if you like, just pick them up.


  14. 8:00 am? Tsk tsk. Most offices here kick off at 10 during Ramadan. :P

    Shale bin Agnon: "You work 8-2? What are you in, primary school?"

  15. Anonymous23:58

    Good for you silver girl, I'm on leave too lol

    I like working but the only reason why I took this leave is that I know I will ruin my fasting swearing and giving the finger to every stupid brainzapped idiot driver in this country to and from work plus of course the hour long commute from good ol' Riffa to good ol' Gudaibiya , No Thank You I'd rather sleep in till 10-11 and relax till the Athan

  16. How frustrating indeed ya and I can see why you would rather stay at work too.

    I hate jams!

  17. Anonymous04:49

    why not listen to "Drive Time" on Radio Bahrain? ;) I love BBC Radio One podcasts, especially Chris Moyles show, it is quite ridiculous if you like that kind of humor. I really admire people who can concentrate on learning languages while driving, I could never do that. oh and your post is really charged with negative energy. couple of more of those and Life In Bahrain blog will inevitably recruit you. Take it easy, enjoy Bahrain, there are people out there who would give a lot just to be stuck in the traffic in Bahrain so aren't you special.

  18. Hehehe... you'd love Dubai then :P

  19. Silver; I would love to take a holiday but I cant stand the fact that I took a holiday when the work hours are shorter :p I'll leave that for the regular days

    palo/joel; I guess you guys have the same in Q8. I feel your pain

    canc3rian; well, at least use the time well! im planning to brush up on my basic italian/spanish and maybe get some japanese in there too

    calista; walk? ride a bike? :P

    amoontie; yeah, poor thing you :p

    missy; why'd you take a 2pm class! thats like in the middle of rush hour!

    lamya; use your laptop in the car? how'd you manage that? and yeah, harleyyyyyyyyyy... but this weather doesnt help :(

  20. cradle; yes, it was ridiculous yesterday wasnt it? I heard someone committed suicide or something by throwing himself infront of a car (probably couldnt handle the stress of the traffic), and thats what caused the delay. and public transport? dont get me started, i can go on and on about this :p

    mooni; yala, 25 days left

    shale; ha, ha ha. funny man, very funny. Yeah, I wish we had flexitime. Besides sounding really cool, it could help get us through the busy hours.

    Redbelt; Gimme gimme

    Manutd; lucky you... more sleep!

    Yaqoob; Makes a lot of sense. I might have broken my fast because of all the swearing :p

    Shionge; only jam I like is Michael Jackson's.

    so be it; i listen to BBC sometimes, useful at least. As for the negative energy; well, maybe just the last few posts. I'll post some positive stuff, i promise :p

    KJ; i'll pass, thanks.

  21. It is similar here, however I think by government decree certain places start work at different times and end at different times. Usually within 30 min increments!

  22. Anonymous10:27

    Ramdan or not .. This is a daily problem

    Before I got my licence i said that I will be away 24 Hours a day

    few weeks later I refused going out for no urgent reason!

  23. Anonymous11:20

    It’s about the same in the whole world my dear! We all have to go through it some how! I hate driving slow, and if I do I have to have really good loud music on so I won’t fall a sleep! But I know what you mean when you say: It's ridiculous! That is why I’m getting a motorbike so I would never be stuck in traffic! :D

  24. Anonymous11:22

    Atleast they are not digging the roads in Bahrain is it ? Here we have an never ending road repair choas !
    Drive safe !

  25. Hey, I have another solution. I live a five minute walk from my office. With the money we get from subletting our parking space, I could almost pay for a car.

  26. I dont take .. they give me!! ;p

  27. Anonymous16:12

    Leave that sinking ship.... thats a solution...

  28. download ramdhan latest shows and watch them on ur ipod! thats wat i would do.. but then again u have them on tv..

  29. Anonymous22:19

    This is exactly why:
    1. I lived 5 minutes away from work when I was in Bahrain
    2. Never changed my job because I only lived 5 minutes away
    3. I stayed in the office in Ramadan until AFTER the maghreb prayer and all the crazy people were busy eating at home before I ventured out of the office!

    Breaking my fast 10 minutes later wouldn't have killed me .. but venturing out on a highway at Iftar time could have meant that I was a statistic today!

  30. Back when I was in Science College, I used to know a Bahraini girl who studies abroad, she told me once you can drive from the extreme north to extreme south of Bahrain in 30 mins!!
    But the hilarious za7ma is the reason behind extending the time, she said there is always crowded street mo bs in Ramadan

    In Kuwait..e7m e7m...
    You have this case too in two 7ala...
    1- In...aw8at el tharwa
    2- when accidents occurs on the high way, don't ask me why...bs el q8ties mela8eeef...
    And dude I am sorry for you… :)

  31. madre laish people incharge are always comming up with stupid things that make our life harder!!

  32. right, I'm in NYIT on Sundays, Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Tell me when you're coming and I'll have the DVDs with me.

  33. LOL! Ramadan or not... this is our daily problem in khi. even at 2 am here, you'll get stuck in a traffic jam... and somehow I've fallen in love with them...

  34. مو بس في رمضان علي طول عندي مشكله مع الزحمه بحكم المنطقه اللي اعيش فيها وغير هذا معظم وقتي احسه يضيع بالسياره انام اكل
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