23 September 2007

Diary of an Adliya Dweller

His lane of traffic was at a standstill, but it was normal on a weekend night such as this. He glanced at the cars cruising slowly past him on the opposite lane; the fancy Benz with its triple-digit plate, the beaten down 80's Cressida, the shiny Cadillac with the polished wheels. "What are they all doing here?" he thought, as the car infront of him etched a few inches forward.

It's just another night in this popular road; although it doesn't contain much besides a few restaurants and number of shops, it seems to be a regular hangout for people. Driving by he saw gangs of teenage kids standing by the side of the road, glancing at the cars that come and go, waiting for the ocassional passing of a rare sighting; a fancy luxury sports car, or a pretty female, dressed up in her best.

The traffic light turned green, and his lane started to move. He passed by the cars on the opposite lane; a new convertible BMW, with an under-nourished owner and his friend, discussing what seemed to be a serious issue. Right behind was a Lexus, top of the line, with the windows fully blacked out; the driver window was partially lowered with the tip of a lit cigarette sticking out, and on the other end of it he could see the outline of an overweight driver slumped in his seat. The next car looked more fun; a red jeep overflowing with what seemed like recently graduated children; windows were down, music up loud, and each single person in the vehicle either laughing or had a huge smile on their face, going through their life without a care in the world.

He looked at his eyes in his rear-view mirror; "I remember when I used to be like that", he thought to himself, as he drove on. "I had no worries, no cares", but now he was driving alone on a weekend, with more worries on his mind than hairs on his head. He used to come to this same road years ago, before he joined the corporate world, before he left university, before he had responsibilities and stress in his life. He used to be like these kids; lost in a world with no worries, living life with his friends day by day. Tommorow didn't matter, never mattered.

The traffic light turned red, and the cars came to a stand-still. A golden Honda passed by, and stopped in the traffic right next to him, two pretty ladies adorning its interior. He glanced with the corner of his eye, and although he didn't make it too obvious, they knew he was looking at them. "This is ridiculous" he thought; he wants to communicate with them, exchange a few words, maybe a number, but it wasn't possible. In the 'rules' of this engagement, he has to drive around a few times up and down this road, find his prey, follow her to a dark alleyway or somewhere unfilled with people, and then make a move. That's just the way it was done here.

The light turned green, and as she moved her car he forced the gas pedal down turning the steering wheel, twisting the car through the traffic; it was a scene of tire smoke and a thundering engine, landing himself directly behind the two girls. They watched in amusement through their rear-view and giggled, not so innocently, as they pondered making their way through a side street. They decided to, eventually, and drove into a dark alley, with him on their tail.

He smiled. Something to ease the stress for tonight, at least.


  1. u've a very interesting writing style!

  2. Good story.:) may we have a series please?Ramadaan is,after all a time for musalsalaat:-) i would love to know if he hooked up with the girls,what is stressing him out,and if he is married,what is happening in his family,maybe his wife is giving him a hard time.:) okay i clearly watch too many egyptian soapies.I think i will just retire with dignity.

  3. thanks missy

    lol lamya :) I write these every now and then, take a look at the previous ones - just click on "STORIES" under labels on the right hand side :)

  4. Ammaroooo..... looooooved it.... write more ... write more... write more....

    *Jumping like a cheerleader* :P

  5. Classic Adliya. Those people you described in the cars all seem to be based upon real characters. Especially the overweight Lexus guy.

  6. niiice ;)
    keep it coming ammar, i like ur stories

  7. A trip down Adliya Avenue. Well put Bro.. Descriptive down to that last articulate detail. You should add a photo series to your story, just to give the reader an extra twist. Keep it coming.

  8. Kept me at the edge of my seat ;) I bet it was a fruitful night indeed :D

  9. He's a serial killer! oh! Let him be a serial killer! Part 2 plz, enough with the news posts this is what we need ;P

  10. thanks everyone.

    n; calm down :p

  11. Anonymous12:54

    nice one mate...keep it going :)

  12. Anonymous13:21

    Remembering the 80's and 90's post is interesting!(off topic post!)

  13. I think driving your car down Adliya road is such a silly act especially if you have nothing to do there, but nice topic non the less.

    I feel sorry for people who just drive there but after all everything is a Taboo in Bahrain but we thank God that we don't live in The weekend Visitors land we have "freedom" or something like it.

  14. Well written Mashalla :)

    What happens next :p We demand a part two =P.. Please!

  15. Anonymous04:32

    oh this story is my passport into the inner mind of the social network of "the flirt road" and I'm absolutely fascinated. i'm sure someone somewhere gives funding for this kind of an ethnographic work ;) really like the story, got spooked out a bit in the middle of it, but gives us some more!

  16. Very well written, would love to know what happens next !

  17. joel; thanks. i guess i should put a link for that on the main blog

    flymenian; regardless of whether people think its silly, a waste of time or fun, its part of this society nowadays.

    dynamic; i will not submit to your requests :p but i will write more stories, so stay tuned :p

    so be it; haha, yeah it sort of is. click on "stories" on the link sidebar on the right column for a few more (or click here http://ammar456.blogspot.com/search/label/stories )

    amu/emad; thanks guys.


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