9 September 2007

Decision to Make..

So I have a decision to make, i'm at a split road, going in two totally opposite directions.

First route takes me to new exciting places; I get to see the world, meet new people, explore new cultures. See places i've always wanted to see, work in new environments, totally different than what i'm used to. A totally refreshing situation, a great experience.

Money isn't great though; it's enough to cover accomodation, food, and basic living expenses, but not much else.

Second route; continuing what i'm doing now. Stay in the same place - the same people, the same routine, the same stress, over and over again. Nothing new to add to life, nothing really very exciting.

But it pays well. Really well, lets say. No, lets say REALLY really well.

What would you do?


  1. Anonymous09:32

    You're young. Fly for a bit and if you can do good while you're enjoying yourself, then I would most certainly go for it.

    Good luck either way, it's your life.

  2. I think that on the long run, the broader experience you get, the better senior position you might get. So pay might not be great now but later on with all your experiences combined add to that some international experience it could land you a great job.

    Do a careful study of what you wanna do and then take the decision. All the best to you.

  3. i already have international experience.. i worked in the states, i worked in dubai, ive lived in london and a bunch of other countries for a while... i dunno... this is gonna take me to some crazy places hopefully, but i really dont know...

  4. Ammar, I know what you are talkin about because I am going through this as I am writing.

    My company pays me extremely well, but at the expense of my spirit, a lot of stress and horrible routine and non creative work. I am becoming a depressed person. I was told by my company I am to go to KSA for a year.

    I will decide not to go for many reasons, mostly because I have been there for 18 years and for other family issues and commitments.

    But if you're going aborad, as in Europe and US, I think it will do you good. My advice is, since your job pays well, you have savings, so take what you can and go to this new experience. It will definitely make you more valuable when you come back, in terms of money, but you will also be enriched as a person.

    What helped me the most in difficult decisions is salat el estikhara. I suggest you pray it for a couple of nights, and when they say Ramadan Kareem it is because Ramadan is generous, and inshalla you will be blessed with its generosity

  5. ammar, just the language and tone you use to describe each option makes it clear that the first one is more attractive to you. and i personally would always choose an enriching experience (however risky) over being safe and bored, even if wealthy. What does your wife think? Would she be going with you?

  6. روح و لا في اذنك ماي و توكل على الله و الله ايسر لك امورك ان شاء الله

  7. KJ; I could end up in any number of places, anywhere from Tokyo, to Sweden, to London, to Brazil! Should be fun. But, I dunno.. Thanks for the advice

    Bint Battuta; The first one IS more attractive, it just pays enough to live on though... with my other option, I can save, buy a house, new car and so on. But all that feels... Plastic somehow...

    Yacoub, LIB, Mahmood; thanks dudes...

  8. i say go.. you have the rest of your life to buy a house, a new car and so on..

    but good luck either way :)

  9. Anonymous15:32

    When weighing up the new opportunity, look at the medium term, the next 2-5 years, rather than the salary for the next year. What are the opportunities to learn new skills, get better experience which will serve you better in the future and is more aligned with your personal and career goals? Also consider who you will be working for and with. The grass may well be greener, depending on the circumstances of your current job. On the other hand, you could be jumping from the kettle and into the fire...

  10. Anonymous17:08

    If you have enough money already ! i'd say go for it .. change ! ... Otherewise stay where the money is ...

  11. Anonymous17:30

    If your work has paid you well through the stressing time you have worked there why haven’t you saved some of that? If you have then it would be perfect for a young single man to see the world, different people and cultures! I would have been great experience for you to see how life is far a way from family friends and the routine! You would learn a lot and know how to handle life in different situations!

    Going for the first choice would be really difficult if you think the money won’t be enough! I would still take it if I was you, but then again I’m not you! I think this decision should be made by you! Not anyone else! You should think it over alone and decide!

  12. I could sense that you would prefer to go for the first option. I would like to say..go for it since you are still young. Bahrain would always be there for you as and whenever you decide to come back. Wish you all the best...and keep us posted ok ?

  13. Anonymous00:04

    think 5 years down the road. which will deliver you to where you want to be at that point in your life?

  14. I like msb's comment. Exactly, it should be a perspective thing. What will you gain? If it is financial then the current is better, but if it isn't then switch. Money isn't everything, unless it is your main goal.

  15. Anonymous08:46

    Shit dude. I run through those two scenarios you presented every single day of my life.

    Except, well - I am actually working 'overseas' at the moment.

    Don't think I'll ever want to work in Bahrain, but hey - about this other crazy travelling to places thing. They're taking applications are they?

  16. Thanks for all the comments guys. Its going to take a lot more thinking. I'll keep you posted, thanks again :)

  17. Ammar my friend

    If you get paid well, saitisfy your self with a nice big 50 Plasma screen
    Or whatever you like.

    You'll learn how to love your REALLY well paying position.

  18. By the way..
    Should you go with the first, more appealing job, please tell me where you work now and how can I take your job?

    Bhoot Merci

  19. Leme tell you my friend ... GO!!dont wait for it ... we are moving in twe hext few months to florida.. and we go there because i like it ..We need to buy a house , 2 cars, and so on but we want to live this change ... life needs a change always and MARRIEGE also so dont think to long you can make the plastic become softer (wink) good luck ... von voyage!!


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