11 September 2007

Bad Service?

Ever been into a busy restaurant, sat down, and had to wait for a LONG BLOODY TIME with all the waiters running around serving other customers? With no one even bothering to come and ask if you've been attended to yet?

Doesn't it REALLY get on your nerves?

Do you want to get them back for making you wait and wasting your time?

Do this:



  1. Anonymous09:43

    LMAO .. You did it ? lol !

  2. Oh sorry you have to wait that long but thanks for this brilliant idea :) I'll start counting too hehehe....

    Yo...is that really you who did that? ;)

  3. Anonymous10:28

    Hi, I stumbled in your blog today and I found your blog interesting. Hmm...good idea, I will try this someday :)

  4. Nice idea, yabeela

  5. This is brilliant Ammar! I'll do it next time.
    I am a very timid person but will turn into a a complete arse should I wait for that long.

    I remember once at la Chocolat, I waited for quite a bit too. So I called 181, got la Chocolat's number.
    Called la chocolat up. And it went like:
    -Hi, is this La chocolta?
    -Yes, it is.
    - I am your customer. at table X. Can you see me? I've been here for X minutes now. If you have time to pick up the phone then you have time to come over here and give me the menue.

    A waiter attended to me in less than a minute.

  6. Eccentric! I like it! Muahah.

    And yes, it does get on my nerve A LOT. But I'm mostly patient.

  7. LOOOL!! This is a really very nice idea!

  8. Hmmm.
    1. It is the manager who you want to get to.
    2. Were the staff just hanging around, or was it that they were understaffed, and you made some underpaid unfortunate's day even worse?

    My immediate impression from that stunt is to suspect you may be a spoilt brat, who has never done a day's work in his life. That may, however, be wrong.

  9. LOOL! yest.hlon! =P

    I would normally call the manager, or call the waiter to call the manager and let them know that I'm leaving and NOT coming back again, and I will shame them in 7DAYS ( some tabliod 3na)

  10. Anonymous21:51

    ah what a waste of ketchup :p

    I hate it when people who come after me are served before me.
    I used to be very patient, but not anymore.

  11. oooh. now that's an idea! but i fear retribution -- can you imagine all those horror stories about waiters/waitresses and chefs putting all sorts of unimaginables in your food??? do it once and never go back to that restau again. lol.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Anonymous14:08

    LOL< that was yours ?

  14. Anonymous15:17

    HAHAHA! Badda3t .. I like you!!

  15. *Agnon, the representation of the number

    I'm sure Ammaro is not a spoilt brat if you look through his blog: he's done some remarkable deeds and seems to be a good fella.

    Now come on, you're waiting 30 mins to be served. What's that gotta do with underpaid staff? Who cares? You're a paying customer and the business (restaurant) should serve you if they want your business. Tough luck if you're underpaid and working at this establishment, nothing to do with individual servers, it's to do with how the *business* is managed.

    *Ammaro, this was a creative way to get your point accross! Totally hilarious! I can just imagine this pic doing the rounds internationally...now we know the source! Pure ingenuity!


  17. Anonymous22:10

    Lol! That is funny! Maybe I should do it next time! :P

  18. glad you guys liked it, lol.

  19. Imaginative, that is what I said. It is due to the way the restaurant is managed. His revenge is directed towards the wait-staff.

    Okay, how did this fix anything? In what way was the action useful?


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